Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Official first snow of 2024-2025

 Yep, it's official!

15 October 2024

LOL, a little early this year and just a mere dusting.  


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

How do you define evil?

 An unusual topic for this blog but one that actually fits many movements we see in these times.  Sociopathic behavior?  No empathy, how about Psychopathic behaviorThe dark triad  - a blend of Machiavellism thrown in with a knack for good acting? LOL, lots of examples of people that are very real and are indeed "out there" for you to bump into and be exploited by.  Think critically.

Here Malone tries to explain. Very well I might add.  Just add in the reality of other factors like depleting global energy reserves and too many consumers afoot and here then is another take on this very popular and ubiquitous influence mechanism.  Noam Chomsky wrote "Manufacturing Consent" many years ago, it's the same idea only augmented with advanced media and lazy if not deceitful scholarship.  Integrity in scholarship used to matter, now it only does if someone dares to disagree.  Then Katy bar the door

The concept of 5th generation warfare (state of the art propaganda with all of the social media and concerted censorship available to a state or person these days) as a means of manufacturing public and individual opinions can be seen in the expression of our popular media every day.  Its examples are often  related to a whole host of machinations we now see and hear about every day. This kabuki theater is active in how events are carefully scripted to present a desired result.  The omission or editing of truth and the abject promotion of lies without care or consequence fits the definition of evil in my opinion. We often lack words for it which was Malone's quandary but I think he gets to the point.  The only way to win as Malone puts it, is not to play this game.   Think for yourself, question everything, unplug from the matrix!


Sunday, October 6, 2024

B connects the dots in a rational way and adds some nuanced prospectives...

Collapse Might Come Sooner Than Expected

Another opinion piece based on reality.  A treat and a short read.
So much of what we are seeing and experiencing in these twilight moments of the oil age can be understood once you grasp the significance of our time. 

I recommend a visit to the Substack page for more very well written and thoughtful articles on societies greatest challenge.  We have known for a long time that we have a limited amount of time to move past our oil and gas endowment and into a sustaining energy culture. I am in complete agreement with B and in my own view that rural, self sustaining localized cultures like we had in the 1800's are where we are headed if we are lucky.  We will be firmly ensconced there by 2050 - 2070 in my humble opinion.  Just a couple of generations from now.  That is an amazing thought.  The world's operators who currently wield influence have a plethora of ideas to cope with this situation, none of which in my opinion, values human freedom, expression or individuality.  It is true that when energy scarcity exists the middle class goes away, it simply cannot be supported. So pay attention to the legislators and the influencers as they prattle on with "solutions" to their failed economic order based on growth in a world of finite resources.  Interesting times ahead. Think critically.  


Thursday, September 19, 2024

Another very good description of our current state of affairs...

Energy is everything - economics is not.  Every war and every lesser conflict has always been about energetic resources.  For a very long time many have warned about the massive challenge.  If you follow my posts this is old news to you.

Here is a great assessment.  2030 is the break over year.  Energy is the issue.  

The Energy Collapse | Louis Arnoux


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

So very easy to manipulate

Every now and then I find a simple example that tells a story.  Here is one of those, sadly it extends into many areas of the human condition.  Think for yourselves, think critically, never accept agenda driven discourse for facts - even if you hear them over and over again. That's how controlling people or entities imprint their message in your mind.  Sadly, the unsuspecting and trusting are easily programmed, sometimes for a lifetime.  


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Summer is almost over...

 Another wonderful summer with great weather, a super productive garden and wonderful memories!

The rose garden in Duluth was amazing this summer!

The port was stacked up with lake freighters and sea going ships. I noticed the Michipicoten was still in dry dock awaiting her fate.

We managed to get a reservation at Va Bene, one our favorite restaurants too!

A very nice little get away. Canal Park was lovely, and the North Shore, as always, was serene and scenic. It was nice to see the UMD campus filled with young people busily being young.  I do miss the university. 

If you ever get the chance to explore Northern Wisconsin and the North Shore of Minnesota there are some real treasures to experience.  Life is GOOD!