Drat! It looks like the darned planet has rotated around the good old sun again with that pesky tilty thing going on... I was trying to ignore the hours of daylight shrinking. - Did the best I could to ignore the maple trees changing color... But then today I gave in and flipped on the seat heaters on the way to work.
Fall is in the air, along with a dip in temperature and the inevitable slide towards WINTER.
22 to 24.5 degrees every 41,000 years - like clockwork (tilt does indeed change slightly). Assuming things go from max to min bounded by the winter and summer solstices - which this year are 21 December and was 21 June, we're half way 'round again, and better bust out the sweaters and long sleeve shirts.
I am amazed at the visitors from all over the world who wander by and I promise to post the changing of the season with all of its colorful glory.
There has been no other time in my life when I have so busy. Life is good, and having a chance to effect meaningful opportunities for many is quite a blessing.
Poor Hazel is even growing impatient...
Nope, not going to get the ball, let's do something different! |
Another night falls. I took a break from the ppts and working on the projects to sit on the dock for a while. |
Soon the Northern wilderness will be popping with the most beautiful colors - I promise to keep you posted! |
So I finally got linux to see and then shake hands with my 955Q. I've never built and patched a kernel before! YAY digital TV in North America - and with linux! |
OK, not really a roadside oddity but kind of a step side oddity... I woke up and let Hazel out this morning to find this flipper. Hazel loves to play catch, I suspect she found this in the forest and brought it home - at least that's my theory! |
Hazel's friends are always in the driveway! |
More to post soon! AML NLO (good luck in school), JRO and SEO AML