Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Corona Virus stay at home Mother's Day!

 I hope you've all had as wonderful a mother (and father), as I had. Unconditional love is a precious thing! 

Anna Jarvis felt pretty strongly about creating this honorary day...

Anna grew a bit disenchanted with the growing commercialization of the observation (she herself did not profit from the day) and even attempted to have Mother's Day rescinded"  -Wiki

Like so many things - simple appreciation can be re-packaged into a marketing monster.  Anna Jarvis had some second thoughts about that as she didn't like the commercialization that overtook the day she campaigned for. I think sincere compliments are free and they mean the most. I could prattle on about commercialization of so many important days, but I think the underlying meaning is really what counts.

Well here's to all of the very deserving mothers out there! I hope you all have a fantastic, joyful, wonderful day!

If you're maybe not so fond of mom, here's  a way to get by...