Sunday, February 28, 2021

Reflections on Bart

 It's been a few years since I researched Bart (see side panel post). What a tragic death. WW1 was hard enough, but to survive the hostilities only to succumb to H1N1 as they say... so very sad.

COVID - 19 is a very different type of flu, however we should not be so blinded by money so as to ignore something that happened BEFORE the H1N1 took its toll on so many young people...

Lost to history, or omitted because  of the unpleasant details was that fact that then as now a large vaccination campaign was conducted -only in 1918 it was ahead of the outbreak.  Reading the reports from Taubenberger and his PCR tests still leave us, all these years later, with a partial picture.  Then there's the Kolata book chronicling the effort to define a direct transmission of the flu in human testing and how it completely failed...  completely - reading the book is fascinating.  

Then let us recall where medicine was back then... you could be given pain killers with opium, medicines with chloroform as a preservative (turns  to phosgene in the liver...) and throat sprays and swabs "preventative" with silver (formalin) and vaccines themselves often contained toxic heavy metals. All weaken an immune system that could also be stressed by malnutrition and fatigue.

Stuff not so good for the immune system.  Eleanore McBean writes in her book that people had as many as 20 vaccinations per person leading up to the great outbreak.  We can all agree with the advantage of time on our side that the state of the art in medicine was pretty ignorant back then - maybe as now by the way.  What role do prescribed immunosuppresive pharmacological prescriptions play? 

Anybody know?  What does the research say? 

Are there other medicines and food that can act against immunosuppressants?

Yes. There are many other medicines, food, and supplements that can change the levels (up or down) of immunosuppressants in the blood. Some of the common ones are grapefruit juice, St. John’s Wort, erythromycin, anti-TB (tuberculosis) medicines, anti-seizure medicines and common blood pressure medicines (cardizem or diltiazem, and Verapamil).

So what of this common but never propagated knowledge?  Make any difference?  Is this why the CDC cautioned about sensitivity to COVID of folks with high blood pressure?  Investigative journalism doesn't seem to be so investigative the$e days.

One common denominator then as now, is that medicine makes a lot of people wealthy regardless of the outcome and what was peddled, hyped and dispensed.

McBean and her advocacy is now arrogantly labeled, but let's not forget her opinions are based on her life experience.  It's dangerous - even reckless to disregard voices because they don't fit a narrative. That's not good science that's more like a religion.  Lost in today's media spin and recited by the largely ignorant but well paid talking heads are serious reviews of any data.  So you have to do that.  Data, not opinions trotted out by those in the employ of anointed manufactures, or citations that when reviewed, although they look like supporting "science" are empty of data - just more opinions.  That is not science, that is manipulation of a narrative. 

Be careful out there! We are still learning from Bart.


Friday, February 26, 2021

An afternoon at the beach is good for one's soul

Lots of these gulls were enjoying the beach today... opportunistic french fry hunters

LOL... A few of these flew by too

The wing is an amazing structure

Propel - glide - propel

And rest

Banking to align line up with MCAS

Watch out... near miss!

Look at those amazing feathers adjusting the glide!


Our humanoid clunky version...

Oh my, something from my past showed up too!

This beach comber came by

Then there are those who watch the things that fly...

An absolutely amazing day at the beach!  Life is so very good!


Thursday, February 25, 2021

A movie you should all know about...

 I fund very few of these types of activities, but this one was worthy...

If you read the credit roll, it is astonishing to see how many broken relationships between a loving parent and children there are.  

Alienation.  Real alienation is fortunately both rare and hideous.  There are strong correlations with certain personalities that comprise the required lack of empathy or compassion, manipulation and drive to work endlessly at constructing a Machiavellian payback in destroying the bond between the target parent and the child.  

Monstrous, controlling and nefarious individuals do live among us.     1:30:53 to 1:31:00 that's me.

All My Love J and N All My Love 


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

C-c-c-old out side!

 The Earth's climate is a complex interaction of many things - celestial, geothermal, environmental. Even concrete and asphalt create localized weather phenomena (a thermometer on Long Island should be a lot warmer today than it was 100 years ago...) Ditto for all urban centers that have grown enormously. What would the correction factor be if not a WAG?

We now know about subterranean volcanoes in the Antarctic, space weather... lots to consider especially before we all get herded through the carbon gate, even plate subduction - sinking island theory or raising sea level LOL... but I digress,

Here's an interesting topical read....

-20F again this morning in my back yard... apparently a "wavy vortex" SO WHY a wavy spinny thingy? Maybe the CO folks know the answer... Me? This is way more complicated to feign otherwise looks like co-opted science to drive a cash flow.  Now, that's just an opinion...

Image result for polar vortex