On the Eve of the Nativity, I wish you all good health and happiness!
January 7th will come soon for our friends in the East!
Merry Christmas World! May the good Lord save and protect you!
On the Eve of the Nativity, I wish you all good health and happiness!
January 7th will come soon for our friends in the East!
Merry Christmas World! May the good Lord save and protect you!
I'm an occasional reader of Do the Math.... I suggest you will learn something valuable if you read the blog and then contemplate the irrationality of the World these days.
The concept of depletion is poorly grasped by most people. The profound concept to grasp is: A future of less cheap energy + consistent and growing demand = lower quality of life... and that's just the tip of the iceberg!
I might add that global supply chains that make all economies inter-dependent no longer make any sense at all, but that's another story for another day. (It is fundamental to understanding simplification - again another day)
As Ugo puts it... get ready for a Seneca curve baby! Another concept that is not obvious. The crash is not symmetric. Depletion has consequences for anything. For example lower grade ores require concentrating to make the thing you need to have... that takes a lot more energy and remember - that's the thing that is depleting. So just like musical chairs, when the music stops (as years roll on) and chairs are taken out of the circle (less energy is available) the circling contestants (World population) will be diving for the available chairs left. Only - as you may recall if you've ever played this game... some contestants don't get a chair. No energy for you! Hmmmm, maybe you've connected a few dots already - good for you!
As the game goes on contestants are more aggressive about getting a chair... I leave it to your own imagination as to what the analogue is in the world.
Contemplate that this is not a new idea, and that strategies are in place to conserve key resources for their geopolitical value.
Lol, I think the Pope was being generous in his latest warning. Sadly there have been decades of warnings to soft land, but none of those strategies included the economic fantasy of growth to infinity and beyond.
Well we're here. Start thinking about simplification, sustainability and reducing your energy footprint. Grow a garden, eliminate your debt, can vegetables, get to know your neighbors and share what you have. Do the math.
Unavoidable, here it is again!
The loons have gone to wherever they go... |
Peek a boo, he's ready... |
I cruised the boat off the lake which will soon be frozen... |
And... we made our journey South, Hazel loves to romp in the surf! |
We love the outer banks. On a foggy morning walk on the beach the mist revealed the shrimp boats were out along the Edisto beach. |
Let us hope this winter is mild with a humane distribution of the depleting energy feedstocks society needs. But alas, I suspect financial machinations and egoist personalities will be selling an agenda of control and ever more digital complexity rather than appreciating an honest debate and fostering peaceful cooperation leading to simplicity and decentralization. (never let a cri$e$ go to waste) Meh, less complexity is in order, as more people consider the cost of maintaining the investment in complexity vs it's return of dystopian edicts perhaps that reality can get traction. Oddly the Roman Empire first lost it's legitimacy by outrageous demands and then quickly lost it's survivability. It seems the Romans decided their government no longer suited their needs. Whoops, it really is the common people who matter.
Note: Peak everything 12:05
Change is certain, but which way will we see our world evolve? LOL, get some popcorn and sit back, the show is about to begin!
Can't print money to fix this. More apps won't fix it either. Nor will digital doodads control the chaos.
An amazing book. Every now and then we discover that WOW book. Here's one...
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A feature of The Devouring Mother is that she gaslights her children. This happens in two seemingly contradictory ways. On the one hand, she won’t allow any criticism of them at all even when it is necessary and justified. Rather, she suffocates them with false praise. The author D H Lawrence, who wrote a lot about the devouring mother phenomenon as he believed his mother to have been a prime example, once wrote in a letter “I feel I am all the time rescuing my niece and nephew from their mothers, my two sisters; who have jaguars of wrath in their souls, however they purr to their offspring.” |
AKA globalism and it's effects in an energy depletion regime...
LOL... here's a quick look at a VERY large sector of US employment...
Just a funny post to poke a little humor at how this thing is constructed and why it is so dysfunctional in my humble opinion. Enjoy...
1.8 million employees and 4.4 million "annuitants" that's people being paid by the government as a retired person - no matter what age.
So in 2022 we have 6.2 Million working for or being paid by "the government."
Put in prospective, in the US we have around 119 million people whose age is between 18 and 64. So we have around 5% of the population working for "Federal government." Hmmmm, how many associated with defense? About 3.5 million... Another 18.2 million work for State and "Local Government."
Hmmmm, 23% of the country works for, or is in some way dependent on government, government allocated spend, or some kind of tax payer paid job. I wonder what this looks like if we add medical and pharma... well 22 million are trying to stop a respiratory flu... I suppose that's "health care" whatever that means. That brings us up to 50% of the population! so why do you think every 30 seconds you see a pharma commercial on American TV? Duh, the whole system of this type of service is waaay out of whack. - Yeah let's outsource manufacturing to low cost labor regions with cheap coal fired energy and we'll be a service economy, looking at you Henry K. Really not that bright when you consider energy is a finite resource widely known to be since the 1950's. Revenue generation based on de-basing currency as we're doing today, happens to exactly follow the way of the Roman Empire. Academic leaders at places like Harvard, Yale and MIT seemed to have learned little and espoused less from the understanding of civilizations that have gone before. Globalism via exploitation of cheap labor and energy has reshuffled societies deck chairs into a dysfunctional system the likes of which the world has never seen and will probably never see again. To all those who helped create this - well done. The World has never seen a bigger mess. To think this makes sense to anybody is mind boggling. I suppose a testament to mass media? Hmm, amazing. In chess thinking one or two moves ahead is a rookie thing, in geopolitics it's a disastrous thing.
I suggest we take a look at the yellow pages from a rural phone book from oh say... 1948 and use it as a map to replicate what businesses we need in our LATA to re-invent what a normal self sufficient society looks like. Oh, and be mindful of energy conservation. Efficiency and NOT planned obsolescence is the new cool. How big was government in 1948? There's a good place to start!
But what of our strange concentration in wealth that has created the billionaire ruling class of smart people on TV and the retired at 30 types after that tech start-up ipo?. LOL, not so smart, rich but not smart. What of their peer reviewed and most prestigious journals, societies and white papers and all of that so called "science?" History will record the papers on anti-social distancing and cloth masks as two of the more intellectual achievements. LOL, well driven by a need to survive and led by what looks like a disproportionate population of sociopaths who have figured out how to thrive in a financially bazaar system, they have become so badly compromised that what they publish can't always be trusted. So we have become ridiculous. What's next? How do we fix energy depletion at a rate of about 5% / year and over extended dysfunctional economies based upon a fairy tale notion that energy is bountiful and never ends? Lol oh and it's not energy depletion but that nasty trace gas CO that's the threat... I think we all know what's next; perhaps a little energy triage under the banner of green-ness? Perhaps the globalist wizards have a humanitarian answer - LOL... errr ROFL... I think that's how you say rolling on the floor laughing. But I digress as usual. Hey, does a circular economy need a banker? Just a thought, maybe an energy based economy with units of W-hrs should replace currency... Oooph now there's some out of the box thinking. Maybe no such thing as an interest rate, either because energy doesn't compound quarterly. Making money o ut of thin air is a time honored trick, but you cannot make energy out of thin air. So all the ideologies that ignore that very basic fact are doomed to endure a very harsh awakening. I hope you are starting to understand the disconnection between economics and physics. If we are to evolve we need to understand that subtle detail. We must put away the nonsense and develop and deploy sustainable strategies - quickly.
I rather think local, regional energy independence is the answer, but what do I know? My father actually saw this as the eventual outcome in the late 1970's. So did a lot of other folks who actually understand how the World really works. Meh, nothing new, it's all been done before. Buckle up, it's going to be messy. 1948. One of my favorites - Humphrey B made The Treasure of Sierra Madre and Key Largo in '48. Yeah, that was a pretty super great year.
Heavier than air flying machines are impossible...
Just follow the science... yep. Maybe First Baron Kelvin was right, without fuel heavier than air flight is pretty tough.
That's exactly what we have here. With so much effort, money and time being devoted to fighting over resources and the inevitable winner and losers that are the result of such an outcome, what of this?
Sustainable? Maybe, I haven't read or tried to calculate an EROI, but certainly a step in the right direction.
This is not the only example. Most of these projects are flying the politically correct carbon net zero flag. That is analogous to "we're running out of cheap oil" flag in my opinion, but I digress. What ever the cover story, this is a glimpse of the future.
If you think about it... so much policy is driven from economics without a rational connection to the real world and how it works. I remember thinking as an elementary school student... "why does everybody think nuclear energy is a solution when there is no solution for the waste?" That part of the equation... a very expensive part ... just gets lopped off the cost justification or replaced with a ridiculous placeholder. LOL... well you can ignore it, that won't make it go away, it will just enable a half right policy with a disastrous result. I guess the premier B Schools must know something that the physicists don't OR they've been wrong for a very long time!
Quick factoid: There are 440 Nuke plants in the World (world-nuclear.org) It costs about 1 billion dollars to fully decommission the average plant (reuters.com) SO here's that nasty physics problem again. 440 X $1,000,000,000 = $440,000,000,000 and that does not cover the definitive sequestration of toxic fuels and radiated bits and pieces. Eventually that number has to be paid or we get to see 440 melt downs. If the decommissioning costs (complete decommissioning) were levied across consumers monthly bills I think most analysts would say make power another way because society cannot afford it! Anyhow we have a different policy don't we?
EROI is another one of those real world calculations that reminds us we do not live in a fairy-tale world. AND that, is a real problem for all those economic calculations that erase or greatly downplay the energy variables. Oopsie. Physics ultimately wins every time.
One of the primary divisions within the peak oil/doomer scene is the question of fast vs slow collapse. The former group expects a cascading series of crises that creates a positive feedback loop leading to the sudden end of modern civilization. The underlying concept is the same used by climate change activists who argue that there will come a tipping point beyond which irreversible climate change will come too quickly for society to adapt.
You can continue reading it here.
This has been a particularly pleasant summer in Wisconsin. So getting out and enjoying the beautiful parks and forests has been a delight.
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First, a marvel of mechanisms... |
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Under the category of roadside oddity... |
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A bike shop has acquired this huge mechanical wolf near the Northern tip of Wisconsin in a town called Bayfield |
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You may have noticed the bicycle suspended below the "wolf". If you pedal it and turn the handle bars you can animate the sculpture! |
This intriguing artistry was created by Christopher Lutter-Gardella, an artist from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Well done Mr Lutter-Gardella!
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Gooseberry Falls in July! |
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The Bayfield marina... |
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LOL... indeed, a real wolf. This stuffed example is in the visitor center of the Gooseberry State Park along the North Shore of Lake Superior. |
Lots of trekking around this summer, hope where ever you live your summer has been as nice and you have had the time to enjoy it!
France is starting to reform the engineering and corporate world...
I hope this idea makes it into legislation around the world! Don't forget to extend it to make illegal the planned obsolescence of software, firmware and hardware in digital components.
What a great idea! I'd suggest that abolishing the much beloved "public - private partnership" that has led to so many government agencie$ being captured would be a great addition to reformed and enlightened public policy as well.
The planned obsolescence idea poisoned several generations of design engineers and product planners. Society has paid the price - so much time, money, materials and labor have been wasted since this terrible idea was trumpeted by GM and the various Alfie inspired B-Schools. A large part of the world's landfills can be attributed to this mans big idea, supported by institutions like MIT. Tons of waste, thanks Alfie and all of the rest who saw profit at the cost of squandering societies treasures. As a former test engineer in the automotive industry and a design engineer in aerospace - I can attest to the fact that the design philosophy at GM was suffocating. I remember the day I resigned from GM... I took off my tie in the parking lot and double knotted it around the top of the antenna on my door-less Jeep CJ-7 and drove up 12 Mile never to return to the "Tech Center." It was a streamer of freedom! LOL, finally perhaps we are turning the corner. Thank you France.
By the way, often times the difference between infinite life and high cycle fatigue is a few cents of material. Maybe just one more design iteration... disgusting.
This is an incredible example of a bad idea gone wild as the profit incentives blurred everybody's sensibilities. It happens in governments too. We all know a bad idea when we see it. Hopefully the energy crunch can help us find our voices to speak up when we see the bad ideas coming. Not all manufacturers succumbed to this money making ploy. Several high quality auto manufacturers would not "get with the times" and eshewed the idea of planned obsolescence as dishonest and wasteful. They went out of business being truthful to their moral convictions. Sadly. Public conscientiousness is too often easily manipulated and spun - thanks to a legion of folks like Bernays. That is our fault. Stay vigilant my friends. Our future depends on it.
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Bad idea Alfie... |
Wow, a great interview with Joseph Tainter!
The book is very interesting, in these times its more important than ever.
Around the World, geologists and geophysicists are making the same warnings...
You can follow along the slide deck here.
"You have to know the truth..." (53:45 ) I too agree but manipulating perceptions is a time honored attribute of those among us who invent their own agenda driven forms of control. A sad footnote to the human experience. Objectivity is easily blurred. Fear is unfortunately a commonly manufactured ingredient. Just look at the work of Bernays and many others. It is often created to destroy rational thought and achieve the desired fidelity of the individual or group in cults. It is not an answer, it merely manufactures a reality around a false narrative. Oil, conserving energy, and how to get the masses to capitulate especially in the future is a sociopolitical quandary. Truth telling and rational discourse leverages the minds and wills of the community of our planet towards a solution. But alas, there are those who think they have the solution already...
We can assume the geopolitical implications of energy depletion and the ability to maintain the current World's population and quality of life - let alone look at what is going to be required to adapt in the short time ahead are tough to grapple with. The ivory towers don't seem to be very helpful in applying what they are supposed to be good at - crickets from published anything recent in scholarly research. The recent COVID antics have shown us that debating "science" is now censored - so what good is "tenure" I ask? But I digress. As Bernay's made it clear, it's the behavior you want, the message just has to achieve that end... to that regard the message could be anything to achieve the desired result. The universities are such a disappointment.
Don't look to the Politicians and Wall Street types who got us here to lead this time LOL I can't imagine a single individual "winning" a campaign based on delivering these facts without an informed populace... so here we are. A financial system, political system and global trade apparatus that was warned this day would come repeatedly by a few who were men and women of science. Their problem of course was... they weren't economists. They saw the world as bounded by those curmudgeon laws of physics. The others... well they saw the world as a giant candy store to be exploited. When one bin emptied, don't worry - our subsidized egg heads in academe and our infinite printing press all tell us great things are only a few dollars away. Their financial growth model has no analogue in nature, but don't worry we'll just reset it all - with depleting feed stocks of energy no less. Doubling down on digital tools when famines are forming. Green solutions that require fossil energy to implement and support with greatly reduced efficiency. Now if you were writing the energy balance equation, taking into consideration all of the very many inputs, it would sadly be apparent. This strategy will not be a solution. Rather it will create a winner-looser game in which geography and geology have more to do with success than financial institutions and talking heads. The universities so disappoint.
Do your research, plan thoughtfully. Discuss the possibilities with friends, colleagues and neighbors. Perhaps the organic nature of a "grass roots" movement can push us forward in a sane and rational way once these issues are common knowledge.
There is time to bring about debate and to discuss the real issues. But not a lot of time to waste.
Challenging the Bernays inspired messages of our global institutions and the PT Barnum laden politics may be a waste of time in the short term, but the voices and intellect of the many need to know the truth - and only then can we be assured that we have the best strategy to cope with these profound changes. When you hear a Barnum statement like "for the good of the many..." it only makes sense when "the many" know what the problems really are and how smart the "decision makers" are. In itself and without full transparency that phrase is just another Barnum Statement.
Real science does have censorship, bias and gate keepers. Sadly this is a reality much of it driven by political dogma that can be simply, agenda driven propaganda spun around weak arguments proffered by "experts" usually with PhD's. Almost always, a large grant associated profit motive or an institutionalized group think is involved. Most people have blindly accepted the word of the expert and scholar as a sort of rigorously tested gold standard. LOL... Well not any more, and that's a very good thing. We just may evolve from this era being a little wiser. Question everything - Euripides, and Albert Einstein. When the answer received back is a castigation, censorship or an attack you know you are not in a scientific debate. You are debating dogma. A belief system that eschews data driven facts. Easy to spot!
I'm pleased to see small rays of light appearing within the academic cloister.
Let us not stare incredulously at the recent past, but move forward. Perhaps the orchestrated methods of so many governments were doomed to result in distrust, ranker and frustration. Most people do not appreciate being duped, so - a likely outcome. Especially when formerly trusted institutions and professionals were so ea$ily co-opted. I cannot wait to see what's next, as the real underlying issues will not be going away!
I am always happy to spend some time on the North Country Trail. Yesterday we hiked in to see some of the falls on the Black River on the Northern shore of Michigan's Western Upper Peninsula. This river empties out into Lake Superior whose shoreline was foggy and a brisk 53 F while inland on the trail it was a comfortable sunny 73 F. The temperature gradient is common for this zone because of its proximity to a very large body of water that acts as a thermal sink. The weather on the shore and near inland is unique and in the winter can develop enormous snow accumulations... hard to imagine unless you have lived here!
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This is a map of the trail... |
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Zooming out, this is the North Country Trail section |
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A mix of broad leaf and conifers, a healthy temperate mixed forest surrounds |
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Just after a rain, the under story was a beautiful green |
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Nature's version of fast food for the Pileated Woodpecker |
Typical of the flows on the river this summer... beautiful to experience.
Is gold precious? How about the feeling of warmth or the satisfaction of knowing that a family is safe and well fed?
When faced with the stress of basic needs of survival, sustenance and emotional happiness what do you value as precious?
I've written in this blog that you can print all the money you want, but you can't print oil. The take away is that energy is so fundamental to human health, happiness and security that a hunk of gold has very little intrinsic value as compared to our environmental attributes.
We should take a step back and contemplate what in our lives have real value, and to understand that potential value and tangible (real) value are elastic concepts that are predicated on the stability of our society. In the face of energy shortfalls, declines and unstable availability we should contemplate the sustainable nature of such a system. What makes sense to me is a rapid transition towards localized, diverse and ecologically sound sustainable strategies. Long commutes to work don't make a lot of sense, millions of people living in densely populated areas, not much sense, investing in hydrogen infrastructures - make sense. Peace and tolerance makes sense... a three day work week makes sense too. But let us not forget that people are precious too.
If Duncan knew about a futuristic decade long boost in oil production brought on by unconventional fracture and directional drilling he'd have predicted a longer window. Kind of like right where we are now... most data available suggests we are in a global decline. What happens next is going to be very interesting.
Sadly Richard passed away in 2006 so we can't blame him for missing that anomalous blip. That blip however, clearly demonstrated that very low EROIs are now the new normal. Another bell weather indicator if you pay attention to such things.
I wonder if the entrance to the lobby at the GM Corporate R&D Center still has the life sized portrait of Alfred Sloan in the lobby - and if it still says "Inventor of Planned Obsolescence"? Gonna have to change that way of thinking!AML NLO, JRO and SEO AML
It's an open secret... So what, you may be thinking, does this mean? Well, changes will be forced upon the global population (doesn't sound like something a democratic process handles very well hmmm lets think about that). There isn't really a choice anymore (IMHO). The time to plan for a soft transition was probably 30 years ago - or more. This is not a new concept, and there are those in the energy sector who have been predicting this since the 1950's. But our esteemed and highly educated governing class have looked the other way. Buying into the notion that a solution will just materialize. Why not, the economists that want to drill baby drill said so. Such a moronic outlook. Finite resources suffer the same crushing depletion story every time. I grew up in a mining town. I can assure you that there is still a whole lot of copper and high grade iron ore at the bottom of some very deep mine shafts. So why did those mines close and are now very deep holes filled with water? The cost of extraction became economically unfeasible. Would you spend $300.00 / bbl to bring crude oil to the market? Nope - you can't print oil like you can dollars. No easy button here. The one thing that appears most rational to me, and many others is rapid de-centralization to alternate renewables in micro grids and an honest social awareness not unlike the the conservation movement of the 1970's. The solution - if there is one - is best derived by honest and frank participation by the world's populations. There are so many brilliant people out there. I'm not saying that somebody in their garage (a common fairy tale / cover story about modern inventors) has the answer. No I think this time we need MANY answers and a shift away from centralized distribution. An old an inefficient model... to locally produced solar, wind, hydro and geo. Consumed where it was converted. Storage is a problem. Perhaps we could put a few billion dollars to work there instead of on some of the other energy plays we seem to be so fascinated with. What I sense is that we are living in a time when most leaders have their heads firmly bolted on backwards. We're conserving via veiled policy and denying the use of our collective brilliance by not discussing the real elephant in the room.
One other thought to consider... as mineral ores deplete and production costs rise (yes it is a finite world for these too) the poorer grades of ore will require even more energy to concentrate. So along with the fundamental driver - Energy, dependent resources will also exert pressure on our way of life. In this regard known reserves mean very little when the larger system dynamics are included in an analysis. Many argue that there is no worry, we have abundant resources. It all depends on how you understand depletion, dilution and energy in proper context.
My parting comment to you... there is a huge reality gap between economics, physics and the sociopathic echo chamber of insulated and uber wealthy groups like WEF. The failure to actually understand how the world works from experience and appreciating the genius and the beautifully inventive human mind is a blind spot for the well healed egoist. (I might add that amazing ideas and awesome solutions mostly come from the ordinary people - certainly most of those gifted and talented this world has to offer have never seen Yale, Harvard, Kings or the myriad ivory towers of the wold (who all claim incredibly that face masks protect you from anything...) much less have they been attendants of any Davos sleepovers) A small number of "elites" who think they can change the world is a truly bazaar notion. For sure they own the propaganda, can make up all manner of financial machinations, but they know nothing about the details, the hard science and the cold reality of how the wheels really turn. Money won't solve our problems. I've been using analytical tools to analyze the engineering applications of the world around us for 40 years now. I can attest to the fact that simulations based on linearized (mostly non-linear) phenomena is sketchy at best. You can add all the AI you want to this problem. Good luck with that. Intellectual overconfidence based on ignorance and grant money will always yield GIGO. Most importantly, top down dictates will simply waste time when there isn't a lot of time to waste.
My two cents,
Christos harjav i merelotz! – Orhniale harutjun Christosi!
Khristos Uvoskros! – Zaprowdu Uvoskros!
Pikhirstof aftonf! – Khen o methni aftonf!
Kristus vstal zmrtvy’ch! – Skutec ne vstal!
Christus is opgestaan! – Hij is waarlijk opgestaan!
Christ is Risen! – Indeed, He is Risen!
Kristus nousi Kuolleista! – Totisesti Nousi!
Christ est Ressuscité! – En Vérité, Il est Ressuscité!
Christos Anesti! – Alithos Anesti!
Ha Mashiyach qam! – Ken hoo qam!
Khristos voskres! – Voistinu voskres!
Kristus vstal zmr’tvych! – Skutoc ne vstal!
Usually only the names change...
Same herd mentality so easily steered by organizations, businesses, politicians and the power hungry with motive. Where is the critical thinking? I suppose the human race has never had much of it, because it's hard to go against the "experts" and their backing. It is just the rare person who will seek it out and then be pretty much powerless in the face of sociopaths on their way to "greatness." The meek shall inherit the World. (After the "experts" get it profoundly wrong or overplay their mania again... and the masses put their foot down)
This is another piece of history not taught in the textbooks. "Science" is an evolving grouping of ideas, always challenging itself, always being tested. These days censorship has degraded science to opinion. Just like it has so many times in our past. Replication, debate, transparency and honest statistics light the darkness. Anything less is a cultist dogma. My two cents.