Thursday, September 22, 2022

A short post on the creation of geographical demographic dysfunction

 AKA globalism and it's effects in an energy depletion regime...


LOL... here's a quick look at a VERY large sector of US employment... 

Just a funny post to poke a little humor at how this thing is constructed and why it is so dysfunctional in my humble opinion. Enjoy...

1.8 million employees and 4.4 million "annuitants" that's people being paid by the government as a retired person - no matter what age.

So in 2022 we have 6.2 Million working for or being paid by "the government."

Put in prospective, in the US we have around 119 million people whose age is between 18 and 64.  So we have around 5% of the population working for "Federal government."  Hmmmm, how many associated with defense?  About 3.5 million...  Another 18.2 million work for State and "Local Government."

Hmmmm, 23% of the country works for, or is in some way dependent on government, government allocated spend, or some kind of tax payer paid job.  I wonder what this looks like if we add medical and pharma...   well 22 million are trying to stop a respiratory flu... I suppose that's "health care" whatever that means.  That brings us up to 50% of the population! so why do you think every 30 seconds you see a pharma commercial on American TV?  Duh, the whole system of this type of service is waaay out of whack. - Yeah let's outsource manufacturing to low cost labor regions with cheap coal fired energy and we'll be a service economy, looking at you Henry K. Really not that bright when you consider energy is a finite resource widely known to be since the 1950's.  Revenue generation based on de-basing currency as we're doing today, happens to exactly follow the way of the Roman Empire.  Academic leaders at places like Harvard, Yale and MIT seemed to have learned little and espoused less from the understanding of civilizations that have gone before.  Globalism via exploitation of cheap labor and energy has reshuffled societies deck chairs into a dysfunctional system the likes of which the world has never seen and will probably never see again.  To all those who helped create this - well done.  The World has never seen a bigger mess.  To think this makes sense to anybody is mind boggling.  I suppose a testament to mass media?  Hmm, amazing.  In chess thinking one or two moves ahead is a rookie thing, in geopolitics it's a disastrous thing. 

I suggest we take a look at the yellow pages from a rural phone book from oh say... 1948 and use it as a map to replicate what businesses we need in our LATA to re-invent what a normal self sufficient society looks like.  Oh, and be mindful of energy conservation.  Efficiency and NOT planned obsolescence is the new cool.  How big was government in 1948?  There's a good place to start! 

But what of our strange concentration in wealth that has created the billionaire ruling class of smart people on TV and the retired at 30 types after that tech start-up ipo?.  LOL, not so smart, rich but not smart.  What of their peer reviewed and most prestigious  journals, societies and white papers and all of that so called "science?" History will record the papers on anti-social distancing and cloth masks as two of the more intellectual achievements.  LOL, well driven by a need to survive and led by what looks like a disproportionate population of sociopaths who have figured out how to thrive in a financially bazaar system, they have become so badly compromised that what they publish can't always be trusted.  So we have become ridiculous.  What's next?  How do we fix energy depletion at a rate of about 5% / year and over extended dysfunctional economies based upon a fairy tale notion that energy is bountiful and never ends?  Lol oh and it's not energy depletion but that nasty trace gas CO that's the threat... I think we all know what's next; perhaps a little energy triage under the banner of green-ness?   Perhaps the globalist wizards have a humanitarian answer - LOL...   errr ROFL... I think that's how you say rolling on the floor laughing.  But I digress as usual.  Hey, does a circular economy need a banker?  Just a thought, maybe an energy based economy with units of W-hrs should replace currency...  Oooph now there's some out of the box thinking.  Maybe no such thing as an interest rate, either  because energy doesn't compound quarterly.  Making money o ut of thin air is a time honored trick, but you cannot make energy out of thin air. So all the ideologies that ignore that very basic fact are doomed to endure a very harsh awakening.   I hope you are starting to understand the disconnection between economics and physics.  If we are to evolve we need to understand that subtle detail.  We must put away the nonsense and develop and deploy sustainable strategies - quickly. 

 I rather think local, regional energy independence is the answer, but what do I know?  My father actually saw this as the eventual outcome in the late 1970's.  So did a lot of other folks who actually understand how the World really works.  Meh, nothing new, it's all been done before.  Buckle up, it's going to be messy.  1948.  One of my favorites - Humphrey B made The Treasure of Sierra Madre and Key Largo in '48.  Yeah, that was a pretty super great year.  

Heavier than air flying machines are impossible...

 Just follow the science...  yep.  Maybe First Baron Kelvin was right, without fuel heavier than air flight is pretty tough.


Monday, September 12, 2022

What if you could live in a town that is energy independent?

 That's exactly what we have here.  With so much effort, money and time being devoted to fighting over resources and the inevitable winner and losers that are the result of such an outcome, what of this?

Sustainable?  Maybe, I haven't read or tried to calculate an EROI, but certainly a step in the right direction.

This is not the only example.  Most of these projects are flying the politically correct carbon net zero flag.  That is analogous to "we're running out of cheap oil" flag in my opinion, but I digress. What ever the cover story, this is a glimpse of the future.


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Essentially a physics problem...

 Gail is spot on!  

If you think about it... so much policy is driven from economics without a rational connection to the real world and how it works.  I remember thinking as an elementary school student... "why does everybody think nuclear energy is a solution when there is no solution for the waste?"  That part of the equation... a very expensive part ... just gets lopped off the cost justification or replaced with a ridiculous placeholder.  LOL... well you can ignore it, that won't make it go away, it will just enable a half right policy with a disastrous result. I guess the premier B Schools must know something that the physicists don't OR they've been wrong for a very long time!

Quick factoid:  There are 440 Nuke plants in the World ( It costs about 1 billion dollars to fully decommission the average plant (  SO here's that nasty physics problem again.  440 X $1,000,000,000 = $440,000,000,000  and that does not cover the definitive sequestration of toxic fuels and radiated bits and pieces.  Eventually that number has to be  paid or we get to see 440 melt downs.  If the decommissioning costs (complete decommissioning) were levied across consumers monthly bills I think most analysts would say make power another way because society cannot afford it!  Anyhow we have a different policy don't we?  

EROI is another one of those real world calculations that reminds us we do not live in a fairy-tale world.  AND that, is a real problem for all those economic calculations that erase or greatly downplay the energy variables.  Oopsie. Physics ultimately wins every time.  


Friday, September 2, 2022

Simon Sheridan's recent blog post is thought provoking... it deserves your read

- a snippet from Simon's Blog...

Megalomaniacs Anonymous

One of the primary divisions within the peak oil/doomer scene is the question of fast vs slow collapse. The former group expects a cascading series of crises that creates a positive feedback loop leading to the sudden end of modern civilization. The underlying concept is the same used by climate change activists who argue that there will come a tipping point beyond which irreversible climate change will come too quickly for society to adapt.

 You can continue reading it here.