Take a good look at the mineral requirements needed to meet the green being legislated... money does not equal success. Quiz question 1: How many tons of ore need to be processed per 1000lb battery pack? Quiz question 2: If we never put a battery in a car, but rather put an appropriate sized battery in a house, how many tons of carbon could be saved? (Trick question: 4 tons per house, 4 houses per EV car. If you left the battery in the car, about 1 ton/yr/car. ) Cars after all are responsible for 8% of the worlds carbon emissions. That's right EIGHT percent. If you really care about the theory of climate change (sketchy as to if humans could ever control it) you should be putting your efforts into off-gridding as many households as possible. OOPS, what about all those meters on the side of all those houses? Hmmmm, stupid is as stupid does - I'm afraid. 8X the reduction in carbon emissions if you off grid homes and NEVER build EV's. So why aren't we doing that? Where's the energy policy that truly looks out for this reality?
More common sense, important to grasp that green = profits for your solution which may not be anywhere near correct. Monetized, tidy spreadsheets that make you feel good. But don't work and will leave billions in search of a real solution in just one generation.
So in my little corner of the net, here are some (in my opinion) clear doses of reality that hopefully will help all understand what changes are coming. Why they are impacting us, and what reality is which is VERY different than the mass media narrative.
Humor, with facts delivered with some rough language.
Physics will win regardless of what the politicians and bankers decide to legislate and the talking heads blather on about. Physics, much like a honey badger, doesn't care about profits.
None of this technology seems to pass an elementary feasibility test (if you are honest about it) however, as a scheme to shuffle investments about it has merit. If you do manage to see that big battery factory on the hill, the dangerous nature of the run away thermal characteristics don't just make spectacular fires. Indeed, the off gasses contain enough poison to wipe out a major city. That with declining ore quality makes energy in / energy out approach infinity - lol. If you are here to enjoy my pics, maybe read my wandering prose on energy or torsional vibes or whatever... have a look at the footnote too.