Monday, December 25, 2023

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Just to close out a theme


"We are a society of altruists governed by psychopaths" that's our fundamental problem...

I couldn't agree more!  As we look at the pain and suffering manufactured upon the world this Christmas and if you've done any homework on energy - you already know the grab for natural resources in a vain attempt to sustain growth is the motive force behind the mayhem.  Those among us who do not have compassion, empathy or love as exhibited by the human heart have always been a source of great sadness, fear and suffering.  

Soon the West will celebrate Christ's birth in a tour de force of decadent spending, twinkle lights and blow up Santa Clause effigies.  A poor commentary on Christ's birthday and what this means. As the meaning is carefully buried in commercial largess

My best wishes for all of my blog visitors, the 7th of January will be here soon (for my friends in the East) 

AML NLO,JRO and SEO AML - Merry Christmas you are loved dearly

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Interesting points of view for our times

 Lots of folks are attempting to read the crazy tea leaves of today's nutty world.  Many have good ideas, some  thought provoking concepts are mentioned here.

I don't agree with everything Rees proposes, but he does have many very good points.  I like his construct of ideas and our minds conversion of those created stories to our own internalized facts - which often end up becoming a person's firm conviction even if it is framed by a narrative of edited information of false ideas.  I have observed this first hand.  If an entity can dominate the total control of a narrative, that entity controls what a person ends up believing - even if it's completely wrong and even if observable contrary facts  are in sight.  People are funny that way. It's the rare independent thinker that sees past the controlling agent and has the hardware to question the narrative and to then expend the  energy to ferret out reality based on demonstrated truth not conjecture, the control agent  or extended filtered innuendo.  Rees is a strong systems ideologue.  I agree systems modeling can tell us a lot, but so many modelers suspend the fact that most of these inputs are nonlinear, which makes a real world system far more complicated than a modeler could ever construct.  Rees, swerves into some really interesting concepts by looking at our human predispositions as a key factor as to why we can't seem to figure this stuff out and why we are predisposed to hit the intellectual "easy button."  With help of course from narrative framers who really don't want you to figure out the root cause to our dilemma nor want your solutions. After all ideas like decentralization and independent, regional or localized solutions don't make stocks jump in value or help build mansions on private golf courses. To this regard I find it fascinating and ironic that Y-tube labels a lot of this content as "Climate Change." But I digress. I am however watching the "climate change hatched a virus" story for obvious reasons.

The spinning never stops in today's social media cesspool.  Loss of fisheries, eco-toxicity, and a ton of our societies problems are never ascribed to economic greed, sociopathic actors and monetary inertia. These threats seem to be immune from public debate or legislated laws. These things are never allowed to be trotted out into the public domain for scrutiny - nope - it's "climate change" and you and your lawn mower are the culprit! Bad you! So get ready to pay for the problems YOU created as a plethora of non-solutions that generate lots of cash for a few get put into play without your meaningful input...  sure you can vent on a call in radio station.... sure the host can blather on about how crazy it all is... but in the end that is simply a dead end. Ahh the artful slight of hand is ever present.  Red, Blue, Left, Right, Liberal, Conservative whatever the injected divisor, and there are many.... LOL those tropes don't matter as this stuff isn't up for a debate or a vote anywhere.  I wish I had sage advice, all I can offer is try to be out of debt, own a little land or become a member of a farm co-op, drive towards your own small footprint of energy use.  There is plenty of time to move in this direction. You can design a robust environment that is regional, community based and maybe even energy independent on an individual scale.  That would be a great start.  Whatever you do, don't look here...   

LOL, lawnmowers vs power plants.  Brilliant.