Record cold temps were recorded on every continent...
We are in a solar minimum, some say it could end up being very much like the Dalton Minimum and anomalies like the year without a summer. Let's hope not. The consequences would be dire as the world currently carries about 8X the number of people. Just like in the early 1800's volcanic activity is on the rise. So theories abound about volcanism and solar cycles perhaps the correlation can be better understood. I wonder how much research - if any at all - has been done on cold tolerant crops... This is a fascinating time, with much to be learned about our world, the interaction of climate with our solar system as well as our thinking about these influences on sub surface and underwater volcanism. All have a profound effect on our climate.
This years El NiƱo gave those of us in the Mid-Western US a little break from what usually is a brutally cold winter, which has been much appreciated!