Friday, April 15, 2016

Michigan Technological University's Design Expo

One of my favorite things to do as a professional is  participating with young people at universities.  I have been a Society of Automotive Engineers faculty advisor, judge and occasionally a judge on Senior Design and "Enterprise" projects at Michigan Tech.  It is always a wonderful experience as I get to talk to these bright young students about their technical projects.

These  Design Expo's are amazing. This year's Expo was no different, awesome students doing the coolest things.  For me, this is a window into the current technologies that our technical community is mastering and adapting in their design projects at the undergraduate level. What a new hire into industry would have in her or his technical tool set...

Hosted by the Pavlis Honors College and the College of Engineering, the work of over 600 students in dozens of projects was on display.  Here's a pic of a virtual gaming system developed by the students.

A beautiful day in Houghton!  The University Mascot is a Husky - as in the Michigan Tech Huskies!

I pulled over to take this pic.  Mid-April and a couple feet of snow slowly melting...  The Keweenaw Peninsula gets a lot of snow.  Follow the link to see the accumulation for this year!

One of the coolest things I saw was a Raspberry PI powered robotic submersible designed to dive to 300 feet and acquire video.  Another adaptation of the Phantom 4, for a fraction of the cost...  Materials Science Research that was very interesting, and a Hybridized truck from the 1940's!  What a great group, the creativity and technical acumen was really impressive.  These students will go on to do amazing things.  I'll close with these videos from last years Expo...

 I had to add this, it gives you a flavor for the students at this great university!


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