Tonight’s full moon will appear bigger and brighter in the night sky than it has in nearly 70 years! So I spun the adapter on the Celestron for the trusty Nikon and took a few pics to commemorate the event! I hope you enjoy!
This got me thinking about the variability of other stuff in our cosmos |
Our planet varies it's ellipticity over a 100,000 year cycle... Thank you Milankovitch for calculating that. |
The Earth's tilt is not constant either... nope. It varies from 24.5 to 21.5 degrees over a periodicity of 41,000 years. |
So good 'ole planet Earth has a 100,000 year eccentricity, a 41,000 year obliquity and a 21,000 year precession. I wonder what the effect of all that wiggling has on climate change? |
Then there is the variation of our sun... The 1500 year Suess Cycle... |
The sun itself rotates around the center of gravity of the Solar System every 11.1 years! So it does not spin in the center, but spins around the CG. |
There are other tricks our sun does every 22, 87 and 210 years that influence solar storms, galactic velocity and who knows what else? |
The last time the moon was this close to Earth was on Jan. 26, 1948,
when it came about 30 miles closer. The next time we will see anything like this won’t be until Nov. 24,
2034, when the distance between the two bodies will be 40 miles less, even closer than '48. |
The moon’s orbit varies due to the ever-changing distances
and relative position of the sun, moon and Earth. Thanks to these variations
in gravitational forces, the moon’s orbit is sometimes more oval
shaped, and other times more circular. AML NLO, JRO and SEO AML |
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