Wednesday, July 29, 2020

COVID = Pizza Oven

Yeah that's right. Let me explain...  with all of the pandemic related travel restrictions, the stay at home stuff and the lack of any travel plans in vacations pretty much world wide, people all over the place are doing more at home.

The home improvement places are doing great business as it seems everybody has some kind of project going on.  Well here at the house - we do too.

These folks, caught my eye maybe 6 or 7 years ago.  I was traveling to Italy on business a lot - over the past decade and perfected a scratch pizza recipe that can hold its own against any Italian pie.  Yup, I've got some special tricks, learned about cross linking and sauce...  even had a cooking class in Sienna. 

I've conquered pizza. Crushed it.  Best pie you've ever tasted. Come on by JRO or NLO! 

With stay-cations being the current reality - it was time to get a proper out-door oven built.  So far I've completed 3 phases of construction and I have to say things are starting to shape up.

The dome is next!

I'll post the fire brick dome next...  and of course the final product in a few weeks.  This oven is in the Pompeii style and is a home made COVID inspired use of stay-cation time!


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