Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Return to Franconia

 This is not the Franconia in Germany, but a little town in Minnesota with a weird art colony that I think is pretty cool. The exhibited sculptures are of the most strange and imaginative kind...

"Johnny Appleseed" Mark di Suvero (born in Shanghai) an abstract sculptor built this in France, spent some time in Millenium Park and finally landed here. It recalls the forms of industrial machinery used to build it. Yep.

The Grief Truck, by Brett Douglas Hunter. Discard your grief and "Big Mama" will help you cart it off to somewhere...

The Compact, by Eliza Evans. Cast concrete forms relates the "compression"of individual agency over millennia. Surveilled, digitized, measured and archived...

If birds lived like humans in high rise buildings... Birds choose not to live this way and there are none nesting in this multi-story, multi nest contraption.

Not sure what this is about, looks to be an evolution from wood hulls to fiberglass - sort of a boaters technology timeline...

LOL, yeah I don't know much about this one.

Reminded me of a WW1 battleship camouflage pattern.

The augmented ear by Jordan Olsen. "The world has greater definition than we can possibly know..."  I agree!

Not holding up to the elements too well...

What are you inspired to think about?

I can plainly see this is a pine cone!

No idea... bird?

I happened upon this sculpture park maybe ten years ago.  On a whim I drove through this part of the country the other day and decided to see what's new. There is a bunch of crazy cool stuff here!

LOL, hope you enjoy.


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