Sunday, October 6, 2024

B connects the dots in a rational way and adds some nuanced prospectives...

Collapse Might Come Sooner Than Expected

Another opinion piece based on reality.  A treat and a short read.
So much of what we are seeing and experiencing in these twilight moments of the oil age can be understood once you grasp the significance of our time. 

I recommend a visit to the Substack page for more very well written and thoughtful articles on societies greatest challenge.  We have known for a long time that we have a limited amount of time to move past our oil and gas endowment and into a sustaining energy culture. I am in complete agreement with B and in my own view that rural, self sustaining localized cultures like we had in the 1800's are where we are headed if we are lucky.  We will be firmly ensconced there by 2050 - 2070 in my humble opinion.  Just a couple of generations from now.  That is an amazing thought.  The world's operators who currently wield influence have a plethora of ideas to cope with this situation, none of which in my opinion, values human freedom, expression or individuality.  It is true that when energy scarcity exists the middle class goes away, it simply cannot be supported. So pay attention to the legislators and the influencers as they prattle on with "solutions" to their failed economic order based on growth in a world of finite resources.  Interesting times ahead. Think critically.  


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