Saturday, March 1, 2025

Something to ponder...

 There are 50 Billion birds in the World... Birds like dogs, cats, elephants and squirrels can get a flu.  In their immune system, similar to our own, there is the mechanism of acquired immunity as animals get sick, recover or die and regenerate.  This cycle is broken when we decide to NOT let the animal recover and destroy it simply because somebody with a "solution" creates a "test" and proposes a for profit driven remedy. This get sick, recover thing is how life works on this planet. What is not natural is get jabbed and maybe avoid the get sick and recover part. Sometimes for lots or reasons recovery doesn't happen.  Sometimes for lots of reasons get jabbed and get sicker happens too. When we do get the flu and when our feathered friends get it and recover we all get to enjoy natural immunity. 

You can always spot the profit driven narrative when it is suggested that the made for profit jab is better, or represents less risk than the natural way of life.  Close one eye and pretend there are real studies behind the claims.  Recent events have revealed just how shabby that "science" - as in the scientific method - has been applied, or rather corrupted.  Science is after all a method used in a continuous quest for the truth IT IS NOT AN ENDPOINT.  Science is never settled, that is an asinine statement.    Science is a method which challenges, evolves and reveals a better understanding.  The sun doesn't rotate around the Earth. Blood letting didn't cure George Washington.  X-raying feet to get the right size shoe was a bad idea.... the science is settled! Or so say the boisterous fools or - paid to propagandize - idiots of their time. No conscience, just popular faces getting paid to act out a script.  

All of these things seem absurd to us now, but they were solidly held beliefs until the scientific method repeated over and over again that they were indeed truisms.  The folks invested in x-ray machines for shoe stores were pretty mad.  So was the Roman church when in 1600 they were so confident they had it right, only to admit they screwed up in the year 2000.  Bizarrely, the Vatican held onto the righteousness of burning people alive well into the 1940's.  So it sometimes takes a while to refute a dogma.

 Understand?  Think critically, and think for yourself.  

Now there are those who claim we have to vaccinate birds.  50 billion birds are a lot of birds.  Do we wish to suspend logic and pretend that if we jab a few domesticated farm animals the 49.9 billion feathered colleagues will respectfully mask-up and stay away from the domesticated  aviaries? Or you in your back yard? Now our media megaphones are so very concerned with zoonotic jumps it makes one ponder the wisdom of our modern age and the voices of the be$t expert$ money can buy...  Could it be that the mess made by gene experimentation has made the pathways more likely to occur? To whom do we owe the creation of this great threat? Think critically.  

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