Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Food as culture and health...

I enjoy the cultures and the people I meet in my travels a lot, in fact they inspire me.  They make my life so very rich and I have so many memories of people in Japan, France, Italy, Germany and a host of other non-English language cultures who have met me and shared a moment trying to share an idea or describe something special... Fantastic. 

I discovered a movement common to many Europeans but new to most Americans... the notion of cultural preservation in cuisine.  To this regard I heartily recommend this. The movement to process less or nothing... and to locally grow your ingredients has become a university curriculum here.  I think this is a movement that has attached itself to sustaining characteristics like social depth and the intrinsic values of nutrition as supported by  good science. 

buon appetito

All ingredients are locally grown

and so delicious!

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