Stay tuned to this cyber url for my adventures in Perugia! I've been in and out of this wonderful city for half a decade now, so it's time to put some serious effort into a good review! Nikon battery on charge, lunch packed in my trusty back pack - off I go.
Walking along a wall after entering through one of the cities arches... I think this is by the Veterinary College |
An interesting memorial dedicated to the Perugia Uprising. Opposite sides are shown below. |
Griffins are pretty popular in Perugia, here we have one fighting a hydra sort of menace. Somehow this must be allegorical for the events of 20 June 1859... |
Amazing detail in these bronze statues. The memorial commemorates the Perugia Uprising. |
Facing the East, this arch sits atop the city wall |
Another view from the top of the city wall. |
Looking East again, but from the city center and on top of the outer wall |
This statue commemorates Pietro Perugino the artist that taught Raphael how to paint! |
Vittorio Emanuele II - King of Sardinia met with Garibaldi he would become the first king of a united Italy since the 500's AD... |
Vittorio - the detail is very impressive... |
Across the piazza from St Lorenzo these two statues stand guard over a portico in the Palazzo dei Priori.. |
Outside San Lorenzo Cathedral - no photography is allowed inside. I walked through this amazing church, it is beautiful. This bronze statue is of Julius III (Vincenzo Danti, 1555), is placed outside the church and was erected in honor of this pope who reinstated Perugia's city rights. Rights that had been removed by Pope Paul III in 1540. |
Windy and cool this morning, but any day in Perugia is a good day! |
This is a new kind of Ducati to me! |
Hope you liked my wander through Perugia!
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