Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The end of yooper tales?

 So many people from all over this world...  I am truly humbled. Thousands have popped in to see what is new, others to try to figure out how to algorithmically solve for zero residuals... in matrix methods or how to approach a mariner's propulsion engineering exam.  LOL, or more recently, how to calculate life expectancy... 

Wow, I never expected how many around the world were interested in mathematics as applied to physical ICE problems - I always knew if there were those presented with  torsional vibes problems they could be hard to master - so look in my archive, let me help you understand - engine dynamics -  that's how to solve that! You can always e-mail me. I keep Ker Wilson and Pestel/Lecke on the shelf.

On a more spiritual note, those I most care about are long gone, content I assume and on their own.  So what about the blog going forward?  Well most of the filtering, anonymous traffic and the algorithms know the kind of warnings  I wish to get out there and I have done as much of that as makes sense to me. Sorry for the shadow banning depending on where you live. I've reached a natural place to hit pause and really see if there is a reason to keep posting topics like depletion and the very connected geopolitics to make sense of it all.  Let me know if you'd like more of my content and I'll keep at it .  Else I may take a very long break.  Good luck NLO and JRO you have always been and always will be in my prayers.  


Sunday, December 8, 2024

December 25th or Jan 7th?

 Christmas in the East as celebrated by the Orthodox is based upon the Julian Calendar. So when did Western churches decide to move to the Gregorian Calendar?  Why in 1582 the then Pope Gregory decided that his calendar was closer to the Solar Calendar.  The Protestants went along with this change over a hundred years later.  That left the very staid 300 million Orthodox the predominant group to continue on with the tradition of celebrating 13 days later.  14 if you consider in the 2100 leap year will be skipped and the Orthodox will be celebrating on January 8th!  

No matter how you celebrate your spirituality or what your traditions are, I wish you all peace, health and happiness as we approach this Christian celebration. We are all more alike than different and the things that separate us are mostly man made and projected forces like inequality, scarcity, hubris, evil oppression and greed (to name just a few). Love and kindness, kindness to share and to help each other does nothing to concentrate wealth or project power.  But rather love, mercy, compassion, repentance and care for each other diminishes the very things that divide us.   With the World redefining itself in so many ways, and old systems falling away, perhaps the Christmas message would be a great start.  


Monday, November 25, 2024

Growth and contraction... both are natural artifacts but society has become deluded into thinking that what goes up never goes down...

Piemonte! My family's origin.

Just a short post today.  I do keep up on many commodity indexes, and I have done my research lol - and played around with my own projections... on the topic of energy I have a few thoughts to share: in my humble opinion, contraction is every bit as important as growth as far as economic realities impact our selves and fellow travelers. Energy, unlike a shortage of oranges, is a big deal.  Eventually whomever possesses it and controls it pretty much owns this place.  That is until societies are forced to move on.  

If you look at, and I encourage you to, B, OFW and EE, this is an old story.  Hiram Rickover and his peers in the 1950's saw nuclear as a hope for an energy dense replacement for depleting oil.  It didn't happen. It can't happen either. The numbers and the extraction rates of energy feedstocks and minerals vs the energy required to turn all of this to support a continuing lifestyle of greed and consumption including all the so called alternatives although transiently useful (but not sustainable) are merely additions (but not substitutions) so sadly this has not so far produced the silver bullet. So - as predicted so many years ago - huge shortfalls dead ahead.  

So we have the same societal collapse post peak energy situation in front of us that we've known about for 3 or 4 generations.  Truly a slow train wreck - yep maybe the hard bite doesn't get felt for a couple more years but make no mistake, the collapse train has left the station and it is coming down the tracks toward us.  Money and the aggregation of digital or paper "money" is simply an illusory promise that this economic system will continue to deliver "money" in exchange for goods.  Goods you need.  No matter how you look at it, that thing in your app doesn't have a guarantee of asset protection or acquisition.  Perhaps some new thinking would define and encapsulate that idea that is not dystopian in nature.  The trading systems we know of have long ago deleted the lenders down side risk - and that thinking is not part of any guarantee you have on an investment.  Perhaps that is a problem that should be addressed as we scale down?  Contraction is going to be the mathematical artifact of the next several generations. Maybe our governments filled with ivy league bureaucrats which have gotten used to spending "money" created out of thin air could require some be sent your way to keep your savings and investments from evaporating via inflation by adding "money" to your account to compensate for that inflation? I think there are innovative ways to evolve an economy and the way we think about trade. Maybe your elected people who are paid by you should be debating how this should work unfettered by special interests?  Maybe they will honor the notion that your hard earned resources are yours and not a digital weapon used to bar access to, upon the whim of any dim witted prime minister's conditions... but I digress.  Looking at you Canada. LOL.... Why do Nordic countries pay taxes and at the end of the year have no additional tax filing to correct (or fleece) a compliant population?  How does that make sense when we have the all seeing AI, digital everything and techno-topian grand plans?  In stead it appears that Western "thinkers" believe in acquiring other peoples stuff same as any good colonial power ever did.  Why waste time and money peacefully coexisting when intimidation,  coercive geopolitics and projection of force through your proxy's or the home team keep those profits (energy feedstocks) rolling in and under your thumb? Because this time it's different.  The realization of where the World actually is, is well known to all the real players of any influence - has been for generations.  Good old skulduggery and wicked alignments of old cooked up by spooky "thinkers" ain't gonna solve these problems - they are too big, too well known and too serious.  Business as usual in foreign policy might make for some fantastic end results though. This time the energy crunch will make it clear there are no good options. Perhaps an enlightened, moral and ethical World will emerge after this energy driven reorganization about to unfold runs its course.  We can hope and we can strive to help make it that way, although you may find yourself alone in that intent. My suggestion is to turn off your TV and internet and revert back to a flip phone.

LOL, in the near term there are a lot of things you can do to mitigate the sting.  We have a garden - every year more of that organic produce gets consumed. Canned for winter and cooked into delicious dishes we curate.  It has offset going out to dine almost completely because we can eat better by every measure and it's also driven the grocery bill to half!  You can do it too.  A few solar panels can bridge your residential electrical power needs for  the next 15yrs or so, but alas, after that, when the useful life of those panels and batteries expires the next source of energy might be the sweat of your brow. It depends on how we move through and decide to manage de-growth and what new (enlightened or draconian) form of economics and thuggery tainted governments take. Data centers and digital anything needs a lot of energy to sustain - so that has a finite life and will actually soon compete for energy that can and should be used for other necessities.  LOL, it's going to be a very different World in just one generation.  The quicker we re-learn local, sustaining, and organic methods the faster we will transition to a the sustainable future. There are some obvious - profitable upon growth only - business adventures that won't take the news well. 

"peace requires energy to achieve, maintain and regain once lost...." - Quincy Write 1942

So why the Piemonte flag?  Its motto is: Fides Est Regni Tutela - Faith is the Protector of our Kingdom.  I hope you have faith in God, because that will get you through.  


Monday, November 18, 2024

Summer ended with some cold spray...

 Alas, all things must come to an end.  Seasons change and memories persist but time always marches on.

Once again, the last boat off the lake. What a wonderful summer this was!

I keep telling myself to get the boat out sooner, but then there is that nice weekend when you think - just one more lap around the lake.  As it happened the winds were around 20 mph and actually at my back, coming out of the NW.  I think the lake was telling me it's time to get ready for winter!  At the launch the waves were hitting the transom high enough to let just a little spray blow forward onto my back.  Another year has passed.

Somebody gets a little nutty when the UPS truck arrives even when we're in a VRBO across the country!


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Official first snow of 2024-2025

 Yep, it's official!

15 October 2024

LOL, a little early this year and just a mere dusting.  


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

How do you define evil?

 An unusual topic for this blog but one that actually fits many movements we see in these times.  Sociopathic behavior?  No empathy, how about Psychopathic behaviorThe dark triad  - a blend of Machiavellism thrown in with a knack for good acting? LOL, lots of examples of people that are very real and are indeed "out there" for you to bump into and be exploited by.  Think critically.

Here Malone tries to explain. Very well I might add.  Just add in the reality of other factors like depleting global energy reserves and too many consumers afoot and here then is another take on this very popular and ubiquitous influence mechanism.  Noam Chomsky wrote "Manufacturing Consent" many years ago, it's the same idea only augmented with advanced media and lazy if not deceitful scholarship.  Integrity in scholarship used to matter, now it only does if someone dares to disagree.  Then Katy bar the door

The concept of 5th generation warfare (state of the art propaganda with all of the social media and concerted censorship available to a state or person these days) as a means of manufacturing public and individual opinions can be seen in the expression of our popular media every day.  Its examples are often  related to a whole host of machinations we now see and hear about every day. This kabuki theater is active in how events are carefully scripted to present a desired result.  The omission or editing of truth and the abject promotion of lies without care or consequence fits the definition of evil in my opinion. We often lack words for it which was Malone's quandary but I think he gets to the point.  The only way to win as Malone puts it, is not to play this game.   Think for yourself, question everything, unplug from the matrix!


Sunday, October 6, 2024

B connects the dots in a rational way and adds some nuanced prospectives...

Collapse Might Come Sooner Than Expected

Another opinion piece based on reality.  A treat and a short read.
So much of what we are seeing and experiencing in these twilight moments of the oil age can be understood once you grasp the significance of our time. 

I recommend a visit to the Substack page for more very well written and thoughtful articles on societies greatest challenge.  We have known for a long time that we have a limited amount of time to move past our oil and gas endowment and into a sustaining energy culture. I am in complete agreement with B and in my own view that rural, self sustaining localized cultures like we had in the 1800's are where we are headed if we are lucky.  We will be firmly ensconced there by 2050 - 2070 in my humble opinion.  Just a couple of generations from now.  That is an amazing thought.  The world's operators who currently wield influence have a plethora of ideas to cope with this situation, none of which in my opinion, values human freedom, expression or individuality.  It is true that when energy scarcity exists the middle class goes away, it simply cannot be supported. So pay attention to the legislators and the influencers as they prattle on with "solutions" to their failed economic order based on growth in a world of finite resources.  Interesting times ahead. Think critically.  


Thursday, September 19, 2024

Another very good description of our current state of affairs...

Energy is everything - economics is not.  Every war and every lesser conflict has always been about energetic resources.  For a very long time many have warned about the massive challenge.  If you follow my posts this is old news to you.

Here is a great assessment.  2030 is the break over year.  Energy is the issue.  

The Energy Collapse | Louis Arnoux


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

So very easy to manipulate

Every now and then I find a simple example that tells a story.  Here is one of those, sadly it extends into many areas of the human condition.  Think for yourselves, think critically, never accept agenda driven discourse for facts - even if you hear them over and over again. That's how controlling people or entities imprint their message in your mind.  Sadly, the unsuspecting and trusting are easily programmed, sometimes for a lifetime.  


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Summer is almost over...

 Another wonderful summer with great weather, a super productive garden and wonderful memories!

The rose garden in Duluth was amazing this summer!

The port was stacked up with lake freighters and sea going ships. I noticed the Michipicoten was still in dry dock awaiting her fate.

We managed to get a reservation at Va Bene, one our favorite restaurants too!

A very nice little get away. Canal Park was lovely, and the North Shore, as always, was serene and scenic. It was nice to see the UMD campus filled with young people busily being young.  I do miss the university. 

If you ever get the chance to explore Northern Wisconsin and the North Shore of Minnesota there are some real treasures to experience.  Life is GOOD! 


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Another excellent post from Gail Tverberg

"Physicist Francois Roddier has said that physics dictates the outcome of widely diverging incomes when energy supply is low. It takes much less energy to supply an economy of a few rich people and many poor people than it takes to support an economy with relatively equal incomes. The vast majority of the supposed wealth of the rich exists as promises that can only be fulfilled in the future if there is enough energy of the right kinds to fulfill these promises. Their promised future wealth does not affect today’s energy use. While the energy use of rich people is somewhat higher than that of poor people, much of the difference disappears when a person considers the fact that much of their wealth is essentially “paper wealth” that may or may not actually be present as the future actually unfolds."

and a book recommendation...

So if you observe the reduction of demand by governments that regulate what looks like ridiculous policy that results in "destruction of demand" by various means we see that ultimately loss of cheap energy eliminates the middle class standard of leaving - the few wealthy and the many poor. If you observe this what you are seeing is policy that the availability of energy more or less dictates.  Interesting thought, no?    

Fascinating reading and thinking for the times we live in. So much common sense, but yet so obscured by todays Kabuki Theater of World events and geopolitical machinations.  Cheap, plentiful and available energy effects every aspect of our lives.


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fascinating site devoted to data visualization

Amazing cost of data hoarding!

Just one of hundreds of charts, graphs and data sets... If cheap energy is in noticeable depletion, perhaps the energy available should be allocated to more compassionate endeavors such as feeding people.  But hey, if you haven't noticed, the board game "Monopoly" has no such features... 


Saturday, August 10, 2024

The joy of summer


These geese grow so fast!

What a pleasure to see this family growing from little goslings to almost adults in the course of a few weeks.  Hazel was barking at them when they were so small and swam up into the yard, now they are almost ready to fly south!  Our world is an amazing place.

A couple of weeks ago we spent a few days in Door County.  That's a peninsula that juts out into Lake Michigan from Wisconsin.  I was surprised to see white fresh water pelicans!   Naturally we picked a lot of sweet cherries right off the trees!  

A very long time ago I interviewed for a job at a shipyard there and hadn't been back in decades.  The area surrounding Sturgeon Bay is really very lovely.  


Monday, July 22, 2024

Another great post by Our Finite World!

How Does the Economy Really Work?

By Gail Tverberg on July 22, 2024

"The world economy is an amazingly complex, physics-based, self-organizing system. The three major elements are extracted resources including energy resourceshuman population, and demand coming through the financial system."

Please read on here.

Gail's incite is so very useful in understanding our times, is physics based and always informative.

Bookmark her site if you haven't already!


Monday, June 24, 2024

My favorite time of the year

 Is summer in Wisconsin!  After a very long winter, the warm temperatures and gentle rains wake up all of the green plants, people come out and visit, it's a wonderful time. The deer are calving fawns, everything is a lush green, eagles, bear and the occasional porcupine have all wandered through our yard.  Amazing.

So on many weekends, people gather in parks and public spaces to enjoy each other's company. To re-unite after a long winter, and to make new friends.  A golden time.  Here's just a quick cameo of one such "get together" last weekend.

Music in the park on a beautiful day...

So on Rest Lake, this enterprising couple have created a floating tavern...

Many arrive by boat to listen to the music, or dance in front of the stage...

This weekends band was from Ladysmith, Wisconsin.  EMBER...

I never forget how fantastic this place is, and how lucky we who get to live here truly are! I hope your summer (for my visitors in the Northern Hemisphere) is as wonderful!


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Further thoughts on electrification

 Just doodling around with the "back of the envelope" or "napkin" calculations it is easy to see that electrification has a pretty sizable cost in resource acquisition.  The mining of metals, energetic chemistry and eventually the re-direction of energy dependency onto a different feed stock of fuel does not solve the slow and gradually increasing costs associated with depletion.

I encourage you to look at your own grid capacity and calculate what just a 10 percent shift from gas or diesel fuel looks like to grid capacity.  Forget about the battery pack or the design of the vehicle. Just contemplate the required kW capacity to maintain existing consumption and adding the new base load which includes millions of extra kWh generation.

Ponder for a moment how many more power plants are required to meet just that humble shift away from petroleum.  Thousands of plants would need to be built.  All feedstocks are so far, finite.  So this is like dominos.  Shift off of one source, rapidly deplete the new source.  

The need for rapid down sizing, extreme conservation and concerted efforts to productionize truly renewable energy chemistries in sustainable quantities that can be applied in environmentally friendly ways is upon us.  In fact the time is late.  

The temptation to aggressively seek to maintain economies by conquest will only result in a temporary continuation of the current standard and an even more rapid eventual decline in energy resources.

What does this look like?  A very non-linear escalation in energy costs associated with all commodities that will outpace our ability to adapt.  Put another way, shortages of all types have to happen in spite of grandiose plans for digital wonderment.   Quality of life and in general population declines; read sustained contraction will be the future until a new steady state is reached.  Nobody has the insight as to inventiveness, public reaction, scientific development etc., to predict how to manage this.  Generally the established frameworks of honesty, ethical behavior and hard work seem to have all gone missing.  So exploitation through chaos is likely to be the order of the day. A less than optimal strategy for success.  

When?  Meh, gradually over the next decade IMHO, the physical forces related to energy depletion will fracture the economic wishful thinking and rubric we have come to accept as the way things work.  As I mentioned above the depletion is slow, but the effect is very non-linear. 

How to roll with the changes?  Decrease your energy footprint in every way.  Reduce or eliminate financial overhang.  The world has time to adjust if we start moving in a serious way towards low energy consumption, institutionalized (not financialized) recycling and collaboration and sharing strategies that work.

When I think about our global leaders and the target fixation they all share of economic interests I think Stanley Resor put it best as to who we can count on to get us through when times get tough...

"And when havoc strikes, it is the ones who are officially in charge who often freeze or come unhinged."

"That's when the true leaders, who might not be near the top simply because they have the good sense to avoid competitive, back-stabbing people, rise to the occasion and assume the role of hard, risky leadership that no one else, in time of crisis really wants."  - S Resor

Interesting times.


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A look at EV charging and fuel feedstocks to get you down the road...

 Let us take a quick look at how energy is moved around in the EV world...

Let us say you have an EV with an 85 kWh battery pack.  Nice. Realize it took 500,000 lbs of ore that was mined, crushed, refined and then manufactured into all those little batteries. Eventually a factory process tested and assembled them into your pack. That consumed a lot of diesel fuel, coal and gas. That stuf isn't coming back - once and done with traditional geologically provided feedstock of fuel. That is the litmus test for a renewable energy source... is it once and done or can you economically make as much as society needs?  That is given the notion that more nefarious ideas haven't been adopted. If so, all bets are off as to how this could speed along disintegration of critical elements of our modern world. If this descends into a global food fight, there will be no winners in my humble opinion. If there ever was a time to work together and put aside greed and lust for power - this is the moment.  

As a side note, there are 290,000,000 cars on the road in the US.  If they were all BEVs that would require the mining of 500,000 lb/car X 290,000,000 cars or 1.45E14 lbs of lithium ore just to have enough batteries to power those BEVs.  Spoiler alert: Not going to happen because it is impossible for many reasons.  Read on!

Now it's time to store some energy into that pack so you can drive your EV!

If you are thinking about installing a charging station at your home you have a couple of practical choices.

Level 1 - the least expensive and slowest method delivers 110V (in the US) on a 20 or 30 amp circuit.

What does that look like?  Well charging time can be approximated by this equation:

Time[hrs] = (Battery Capacity in kWh) / (Charging station output in kW)

so with (110v X 20a ) / 1000 to convert from Watts to Kilo-Watts your level 1, 20A charger will take

85[kWh] / 2.2 [kW] or 38.6 hrs to fully charge that 85 kWh battery pack.  That is a very long time, so Level 1 chargers aren't useful for automotive applications.  They are pretty reasonable for golf carts. Or my favorite - the Twizy! Low cost, low energy, less damage to the roads, this thing makes a lot of sense as a commuter car.  It's not family friendly, but that's a different topic.

So what does this look like for a more useful Level 2 charger operating at 240v and 50A?  

240V * 50A / 1000 = 12 kW.  That's a big improvement.  Time now becomes 85 kWh/12 kW = 7 hrs from empty to fully charged.  Easily handled in an overnight charge.  

If we splurge on heavy duty cables, upgrade our electrical service and crank out 80A from that Level 2 charger we get a 4.2 hr recharge from zero to 85 kW.  This is an approximation however as the pack will never be at zero and the topping off last few kW's take longer to store.  But this is close enough. Don't forget most manufacturers have charging rate limits to keep that pack from getting too hot.  Very bad things can happen if the pack over heats!

Faster recharging of a battery with different chemistry is possible but the ENERGY required is the SAME. Rate limitations aside. Energy is funny that way.  When you focus on energy and not the particular fuel we see that there are no free rides. Faster charging or slow charging energy stored is the same.  (ignoring thermal inefficiencies etc) How fast you can recharge is irrelevant to energy conservation. It does have a higher price tag as it requires thicker cables, bigger circuit breakers, multi-dimensional safety concerns... fast = $ that's it.  The energy required is sized by what it takes to move the weight down the road including all of the losses, like aerodynamic drag, tire rolling resistance, performance requirements... thats what drives the energy storage size of the pack.

Now let's imagine EVERYBODY in the US had an EV and nobody used gasoline as a mobility fuel....

Lots of approximations exist for US daily gasoline consumption so let's pick 20 Million barrels of refined gasoline per day.  Sound like a huge number?  It is and that's just the US.  This is a big global problem. Keep that in mind. 

When we shift away from Gasoline to battery storage the originating energy supply has to come from somewhere.  Solar and Wind are intermittent and do not ease the load on gas or coal fired power plants. 

SO...   1700 kWh of energy exist in a barrel of gasoline.  Amazingly energy dense!

20,000,000 X 1700 kWh = 34 billion kWhrs of energy needs to be created from something else... coal, gas and or nuclear to offset the gasoline that was being used.  Again solar and wind are transient power inputs that due to there intermittent nature require the existing power plants to stay 100% on line. Let's not forget that CH4, and nuclear feedstocks are also very finite resources.  Once and done remember?  

Unless storage is found for the intermittent energy sources (which require energy to make and maintain) this is an intractable problem. This is where storing compressed air in huge volumes to eventually modulate over turban blades tied to generators at a constant speed starts to make sense.  As long as there is low cost combustion fuel - makes no sense - remove cheap energy and - makes sense! Very clean, very inefficient, but very do-able. This is actually a very old idea used in underground mines in the 1800's. Many used underground water falls to capture air to run pneumatic tools.  So many ways to adapt, but virtually all of them are less energy dense.  That just means different! 

What does a world without gasoline look like?

There are 1927 kWh of energy in a ton (2000 lbs) of coal.  So 34,000,000,000 / 1927 = 17,644,006 Tons of coal need to be mined, delivered and burned at your power plant to replace the gasoline.  EVERY DAY. That's a LOT of coal! If you consider typical US coal rail cars, thats 152,103 coal cars each day to replace the gasoline habit we have.  So the scalability of this problem isn't even realistic with just coal as a replacement. But I digress. Just observe the enormity of the problem and switching to existing fuels isn't going to solve our growing energy needs.  

Starting to understand the problem? You can use natural gas as a replacement if you like - similar result - a rapid acceleration of the depletion of existing feedstocks of energy.  EVs are not an answer they just require a shift in originating energy supply and then require additional conversion inefficiencies which make it less optimal than just conserving our use of existing energy sources.  

Replacing a vehicles energy storage media (gas tank with a battery) does NOTHING to solve depletion of energy feedstocks be they gas, coal or nuclear fuels.  NOTHING.  So when pondering what does solve this problem think about this...

What we need are alternate fuels like ammonia, blended hydrogen or other chemistries that can be true replacements for gas and oil.   Manufactured by processes that use wind, solar or hydro to create. Shifting load from gasoline to our current energy sources merely accelerates depletion of existing resources. But it sure can make a lot of money for those in the supply chain of EVs.  Considering where natural hydro power exists in large quantity - these geographies will be the next energy empires.  These places will be where most of the renewable fuels come from in the future because they will win the cost/kW contest.  Think Sweden... Maybe Greenland ( a lot of stored water at miles of height in that ice which makes for high potential energy which makes for beautiful hydro power!)

There is another solution.  Much fewer cars and people who in turn will consume much less energy!

I do believe Hybrid powertrains have a place in energy conservation.  So some battery applications actually help conserve our consumption and are part of a solution!

In summary: EVs can generate huge profits for those in the value chain, but just like other money making enterprises like manufacturing cigarettes and brewing alcohol, they offer no solution to energy depletion. In fact if implemented by mandate they will accelerate the exhaustion of these feedstocks.  LOL, think critically!

The future will eventually arrive and with it we must adapt to changes in how we manage our energy.  

Cars should be much lighter, the commuter vehicle should be like this... It is happy with a Level 1 charger and if all you need to do is get a few miles down the road and back - perfect! Wish I had one but for some reason we can't buy them in the US.  This type of mobility could be supported on a residential wind power or solar panel installation too.  So imagine the possibilities if we simply reduce the weight of our vehicles!  I know, crash worthiness etc etc eventually, our feedstocks of cheap energy will help us adjust as we contemplate $/kg/kW.  LOL, yep. Ultimately the "make rate" of the renewable fuel(s) and the weight of next generation vehicles will create a self limiting population of mobility machines.  This is a new paradigm and will be difficult for most people to understand.   

Homes will be like this...

Trains and busses will be the primary means of long distance travel, just like they were in the early part of the auto age.  BUT now we could mix modes of transport like  the intermodal system - only for people!  So many ways to reduce our energy use!  If the bus were made to be a delightful experience the car would disappear, because who likes traffic jams, driving for hours and changing oil?   


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Blessed Easter my friends

 Happy Easter to all in the East!

Indeed he has Risen!


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Over 100,000 visits!

 LOL, I know my engineering stuff pops up in technical searches and are very popular posts, but then it seems many all over the world take an interest in my adventures and come back in growing numbers.  Thanks for visiting my little corner of the net! Remember to think critically these days.



Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Alister Hamilton has a story to tell....

 As energy becomes the obvious critical path in our world's economics, food production, and general survivability if you like, growth models like GDP and other growth fictions will necessarily fall away and we will have to address conservation of existing resources and alternative energy like hydrogen with alternative hydrogen carriers other than carbon.  Like nitrogen for example. The time is late.


Truly alternative and renewable energetic chemistry requires an intelligent comprehension of energy balances that are sane and rational.  Consuming millions of barrels of oil to mine millions of tons of lithium to manufacture batteries that then drain the existing energy feedstocks even more is not a sane or rational solution.  Not to mention the knock on effects of electrification to charge and recharge these devices by way of a power grid infrastructure that requires re-engineering, will consume concomitant copper and critical minerals to manufacture magnets (for electric motors) - more energy in than what we will get out.  Never mind the carbon hocus-pocus side show.  We have an enormous problem that cooperation and rational policy is badly needed to bring the intellectual resources together to resolve.  The world's historical habit of colonialism and projection of bully politics that empires traditionally attempt to enforce simply will not work, because they do not provide a solution - only a painful downward spiral towards a cold dark place. We need a solution and we together can create many.  First through conservation, and then through innovation.  This problem will prove to be a great inflection point in our development as a global community.  Get it right and imagine how good this can be for all of us.  Get this wrong and imagine how painful this will be for all of us.  What I'm trying to say is, this is a global energy crises, if we can solve it, we can strive to be energy independent, what a gift for our children. 

I agree with Alister that rapid decentralization and experimental development of a myriad of regionally supportable methods look to me to be the ultimate sustainable solution.  This however requires a seismic shift in how we understand personal wealth creation, projection of influence and power, national political power projection and wasteful dedication of resources that do not solve this problem, the ideas of commerce and our quality of life. This effort will require a giant leap in compassion and trust (trust and truth telling seem to be at an all time low at the moment) which allows sharing resources rather than the private hoarding, legalistic games aimed at wealth generation such as pattenting ideas - they just bar access to innovation which has been the hallmark of economic wealth aggregation. The usual solutions invoked to acquire somebody else's resources won't work either - not a solution. The historical reactions to resource scarcity will only squander the time we have to soft land the world's population and reorient our thoughts around sustainable living in a very different future.  Can we evolve, or will we revert to sticks and stones? 


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Return to Franconia

 This is not the Franconia in Germany, but a little town in Minnesota with a weird art colony that I think is pretty cool. The exhibited sculptures are of the most strange and imaginative kind...

"Johnny Appleseed" Mark di Suvero (born in Shanghai) an abstract sculptor built this in France, spent some time in Millenium Park and finally landed here. It recalls the forms of industrial machinery used to build it. Yep.

The Grief Truck, by Brett Douglas Hunter. Discard your grief and "Big Mama" will help you cart it off to somewhere...

The Compact, by Eliza Evans. Cast concrete forms relates the "compression"of individual agency over millennia. Surveilled, digitized, measured and archived...

If birds lived like humans in high rise buildings... Birds choose not to live this way and there are none nesting in this multi-story, multi nest contraption.

Not sure what this is about, looks to be an evolution from wood hulls to fiberglass - sort of a boaters technology timeline...

LOL, yeah I don't know much about this one.

Reminded me of a WW1 battleship camouflage pattern.

The augmented ear by Jordan Olsen. "The world has greater definition than we can possibly know..."  I agree!

Not holding up to the elements too well...

What are you inspired to think about?

I can plainly see this is a pine cone!

No idea... bird?

I happened upon this sculpture park maybe ten years ago.  On a whim I drove through this part of the country the other day and decided to see what's new. There is a bunch of crazy cool stuff here!

LOL, hope you enjoy.


Sunday, March 17, 2024

A little climatic humor...

 Hope you enjoy!

Gail T is spot on in my humble opinion!  These realities highlighted in her most recent post are the basis of the seemingly chaotic policies we see being instituted around the world.  Destroying demand for energy through policy rolled out by pseudo science represented by heretofore unknown entities as a sort of canard.  A subtle way of achieving conservation without explaining why conservation is important.  

Interesting times.


Friday, March 15, 2024

Earliest I can remember that the ice has melted on our lake...

 I've got to yank the lift out another ten feet or so as the water level has dropped another foot or so.

Another beautiful day!


Thursday, March 14, 2024

2023 was an interesting year from several prospectives

 Record cold temps were recorded on every continent...

We are in a solar minimum, some say it could end up being very much like the Dalton Minimum and anomalies like the year without a summer. Let's hope not.  The consequences would be dire as the world currently carries about 8X the number of people. Just like in the early 1800's volcanic activity is on the rise. So theories abound about volcanism and solar cycles perhaps the correlation can be better understood.  I wonder how much research - if any at all - has been done on cold tolerant crops... This is a fascinating time, with much to be learned about our world, the interaction of climate with our solar system as well as our thinking about these influences on sub surface and underwater volcanism.  All have a profound effect on our climate.  

This years El Niño gave those of us in the Mid-Western US a little break from what usually is a brutally cold winter, which has been much appreciated!


Saturday, February 17, 2024

Missed SEWE again!

 Drat, I really really like that show but as luck would have it, - couldn't get the timing to work.  The artists are amazing and the activities are so enjoyable.  I recommend SEWE if you have never been. This winters break was short and I did have to work most of it doing a ton of spreadsheets and product launch forecasts.  Even so, the venue was so delightful I was often able to work outside under the shade of a pine with a gentle breeze rustling through the branches now and then.  Kind of reminded me of my childhood home. We had tall pines that made that unmistakable sound when the summer breezes came through my open window. 

On gator patrol, which looks a lot like bird patrol!

We did manage to get to my favorite beach a few times!

Best fresh catch around!

Short break in a very busy year, but always a pleasure to visit the coast in the middle of winter.


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Why the scientific method requires challenges and questioning

 Lets take a look at some "giants" of science. See if you recognize these names:

Lord Kelvin - A fine product of Cambridge, a "second wrangler" and you probably know the name from the temperature scale.  Yep, did a lot of good stuff but couldn't help himself in passing out this wisdom; "X Rays are a hoax" and he didn't stop there, "Heavier than Air Flying Machines are Impossible."

The New York Times - "A Rocket will Never be able to Leave the Earth's Atmosphere." (modern journalism consulting "experts" haven't improved much)

Darryl Zanuck - "Television won't Last..."

Ken Olson President of DEC in 1977 - "There is no Reason for any Individual to have a Computer in his Home" With leadership like that it is easy to see how DEC went away while other competitors with less resources became enormous successes. 

IBM execs to the founders of Xerox - "The World Potential Market for Copy Machines is 5000 at Most." Great financial advice, wouldn't you say? Yeah, IBM has got it wrong MANY times.

There are thousands of such pearls of wisdom spouted by the "experts" of the day. If we have learned anything let it be that the ability to contest the conventional wisdom of the day is how we make progress through the scientific method.  When we suppress voices, deny evidence, and promote opinions over reproducible facts we simply stagnate under the weight of hubris, or worse, get lost in a confusing meaningless propaganda that serves an ideology which can't stand on it's own. The so called elite, often live in an echo chamber and like so many before them become convinced that they see further, know more, and are the only visionaries that can steer the boat.  LOL, steer it onto the rocks that is.  Good ideas, even great ideas come from everywhere.  Ivy league and expert status - just like the scientific method - should never be a matter of blind trust.  That is ridiculous. 

The systems analysis folks think they have the answers, piffle.  Good tool, know and admit it's limitations and you'll be a better analyst.  With all do respect to the embryonic Limits to Growth work.  A great start, but where are the decentralization and regional autonomy equations that examine localization, energy independence based on conservation and sustainable zero growth (not zero carbon by the way)?  Perhaps those models exist there were a couple of other reports written that have yet to be published.  Lord only knows what models with whatever errors they have, were all about.  Models and analysis is great stuff. I have spent a few decades doing analysis and simulation of complex systems.  I have never forgot that the real world is orders of magnitude more complicated than what Kelvin, Olson and a whole host of egg heads get funded to talk about.  Models can say anything my friends. Real data, equations with explained variables, scrutiny and debate... that's what keeps those who live way high up in the towers from academic, egoistic, asphyxiation.  One of my pet peeves is this topic.  If you want to dodge the hard edge of truth, do a meta analysis.  You can ALWAYS weasel your way out with a Meta Analysis. Right all you experts at the CDC?  - Yeah...  it's as good as a placebo but we can't rule it out.... gah,, this should drive any scientist bonkers if you care about what you do, publish and say.  Then again, these days a lot of "situational ethics" seem to be in play and hey, what about those patent bennies?  I gotta retire some day.

"Question everything" - Albert Einstein  I might add, especially this stuff.

It's not that hard to think for yourself!  Please do so.


Sunday, January 21, 2024

The CH4 methane puzzle - and liquid hydrocarbons in general.

 So eons ago a bunch of plankton, biomass and the random dinosaur decomposed and left us our treasured hydrocarbon energy resources... so say our time tested experts who never get it wrong. (more often wrong than right - whenever you see an unnamed expert cited or the ever popular plural "experts" as if to insinuate there is consensus when parroted by your fav tv person with maybe a degree in liberal arts) you know you are reading an opinion piece with an agenda aimed at shaping your version of reality.  Think critically.  It's not that hard. The mass media interview style of contrived blubbering called "the news" rarely gets further than politically designed and carefully crafted hyperbole. A litany of curated questions that appear everywhere all at once and asked by one smiley face you see every day (if you watch this stuff) only to be answered by another smiley face (expert who you don't usually see) who somehow has the "facts".  

Don't worry your pretty little head, we've just asked and answered the questions we think are important - now just sit there and gaze into the box... the whole situation covered - just for you, we've told you all you need to know, now let's pan the camera over to the latest exciting movie (which the network also owns) or some screwy salacious bit to lubricate your limbic system. LOL...  Isn't not thinking great?

So completely tiring.  So here is a little thought piece. Something to contemplate as you travel over your own version of reality. 

Lol, by the way, we have the be$t expert$ money can buy.


Sunday, January 7, 2024

Merry Christmas to all in the East

 Let us hope for the peace we pray for...

Glory to God in the Highest and peace on Earth, good will towards mankind...

Don't look here!  IF... you believe the climate change narrative.


Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year

 A great conversation with Ian Plimer on climate change.  He is a bit stubborn on the depletion data, but again, reasonable discussion that is science based. A lot of things change when we think about energy depletion and various conservation strategies. 

Common sense amidst the noise and spin. How energy plays into world events at an increasing tempo.