Sunday, October 25, 2020

The neighbors came to dinner

 This has been a cold and snowy month.  So called "unseasonable weather" - and we're on track for a record snowfall for the month of October...

So one of those fall weather traditions like bunched corn stalks, pumpkins and harvest time decorations are common at this time.

It all started when I let Hazel out for the morning and *bang* the front door bonked into something and wouldn't open.  Hmmmm, that's curious.  Looking down quickly revealed one of the pumpkins on the doorstep was moved!  Hmmmm, who would do that? 

Well a few seconds later, and after flipping on the outside lights... there it was.  Another pumpkin had been removed from the steps but was now half eaten and had been moved to the walkway!

Ahhh, mystery solved.  The deer managed to grab the smaller pumpkin by the stem and drag it down where they could stomp it open and enjoy a fall treat!  This one was too heavy - LOL...

So unusual to see Hazel quietly watching and the deer so trusting!

Dinner for three on the sidewalk... earlier this fall they got into one of the apple trees.  Now the cage is higher and wider.

Soon after this, they managed to snatch Pumpkin number 2! Deer really are pretty smart when it comes to acquiring food.

Well, it's been cold and snowy.  I hope our neighbors enjoyed the tasty treats. We just got the old Larson out of the water - my wet-suit kept me comfortable, but that last cruise around the lake was darned cold!  Time to finish up the re-wiring and winterizing and put the boat back in its squirrel proof chamber - NOT.


Friday, October 16, 2020

First snow...

 More to come this weekend...  

The juxtaposition of vibrant summer time life falls to the icy slumber of winter...

Frost on the pumpkin...

The seasons come and go. I hope all are well!


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Fall has arrived...

It has been a remarkable summer, and now the fall colors and coole temps have arrived.
Throw the ball!
We can play catch all day...
One or two more times 'round the Lake then it's time to pull the boat and dock for another winter.
Throw the ball!
Just for fun I set the ole Nikon up and held the trigger down...
Hazel, loves to leap up when she plays catch.
She really enjoys snagging a ball or frisbee out of the air this way. 
A beautiful world!


 I hope you enjoy the pics!