Saturday, November 28, 2020

Fall getaway to the beach!

 Apart from Italy, the Atlantic coast along the Carolina's is my favorite place to be. After a pretty amazing summer, we made a little time to get to the beach before winter sets in.  

The light on Hunting Island outlived yet another storm season!

With COVID-1984 mania there were big beautiful empty beaches to explore!

The Spotted One got a chance to run in the surf and chase birds! What could possibly be a better vacation than that?

We've stayed here a few times, so beautiful.

Look at the crazy root system Hurricane Irma revealed... Storms do funny stuff depending on how they track, how much rain they bring and of course - how strong the winds are.  Fortunately Irma was far enough away so that erosion was the biggest set back here.

Morning along the inter-coastal waterway...

Charleston has such a great vibe. Leyla's is still the best!

Hope you are all doing well out there in the world!


Sunday, November 22, 2020

What to make of it all

I recently read a really interesting book by Thomas Rid.  It  resonates well considering the times we now live in.  Mr. Rids assessment of two common understandings of truth (and opposing realities) is truly enlightening when contrasting the tensions and ideologies projected at the general public around the world.  The first being a sort of reductionist view that truth can be derived from analytical assessment, objective reasoning and when these mechanisms align with facts, real and honest data and with experimental results we can agree on the "truth of the matter." There is another truth however... this one corresponds to beliefs, ideologies and personal values/opinions... exploiting one or the other can create a sort of chaos that keeps us divided, unaware and misguided.  The useful idiot can be manufactured so easily. Sadly. 

Ideology matters.  Integrity matters. I like to think that the rigorous definition of truth outweighs the "beliefs."  But Feelings based on manipulation with carefully constructed lies cause wars, deeply divide populations and harm the relationships we have.  AND while we're all caught up in that emotional conflict, crazy things can and do happen.  Social engineering is nothing new.

These days it's harder than ever to stay objective. To filter out the noise and winnow out the truth

Let us hope society can evolve form this state of affairs. 


Sunday, November 1, 2020

Tiny vs LARGE

 Just a quick comment about the situation we find ourselves in this year with "the virus."

Hope all stay well, just try to put it all in prospective.  0.12 Microns is tiny;  0.0000039 inches so unless you have awareness and safety protocols that follow something like this... your best strategy is to avoid crowds if you can.  Stay home if you're sick. Be good to each other. It will all go away eventually.