Friday, December 31, 2021

2021's Amazing pronostication acuracy and the new grim 2022 predictions!


The ten predictions for 2021 were:

1. Mobility energy breakthrough - the solid state battery will emerge as the clear winner negating the need for all of the exotic metals and finally returning rhodium to its rightful status as a so-so - whaddya do with that stuff kind of element.


2. Dystopian application of technology will create a global backlash for law makers to enact civil liberty protections - one always follows the other - but intoxicating power takes time to subdue. Don't forget the genie is out of the bag and good guys and bad guys are out there.  If your gonna keep bad guys from bad digital things you eventually need real laws for everybody. Sorry silicon valley si-pals, the wild west is gonna have to get tamed.  


3. New building and transportation codes will slowly be rolled out as a result of acknowledged learning about airborne virus infection pathways.  Re-circulating air in common occupant spaces not so good, electrostatic scrubbers good... UV-C 260 nanometer lighted air filtration good...  Mass transit health related codes are ancient or non-existent, time to integrate some easy low tech - low cost public health improvements.  Really, how many times have you caught something from a flight?  Too many times for me and way easy to improve.

Bonk! Public health matters like prevention doesn't generate cash for pharma... so don't look for it!

4. Tensions flare in the Malacca Straight as  the idea of building your own island and weaponizing it catches on... yeah, it's been done before. Tit for Tat, expect it. Japan, Australia and India probably have ideas of their own.  I dunno, they say good fences make good neighbors.  


5. Blow back on all things digital.  I'm not sure what it will look like, but I think enough folks have lost enough income to maybe bring into focus the down side of silicon valley.   


6. The US re-discovers S. America.  Trade agreements start to ramp up. So does tourism.  

Sort of a DING... exports grew - imports declined... I suspect trade will grow steadily as fuel prices shorten supply chains - Just ask Apple, who has suddenly discovered Mexico! 

7. US agriculture booms as Brexit opens up a huge 60M people opportunity for export of high quality agriculture to the UK. Gas up the John Deere - it's gonna be big!  

BONK - it's complicated! and a story yet to tell.

8.  IoT expands into pet products.  Expect to see an "iCollar" for your cat or dog to be worn in place of their old ID tag.  Yup, new ways to train - imagine giving your pet voice directions from across a field or from work.  Apps that plot where they are, cameras to show what they see, no longer just a license dangling on a d-ring - but a digital record any smart phone can read through a blue tooth app... New possibilities, a renaissance in pet training. Books will be  written! 5G and your Dog...  Do you Know your Cat's URL?  The Cat as Witness...  LOL - endless marketing po$$ibilitie$.  Pure gold for PETCO, CHEWY and infomercial producers.  Maybe even enough oomph to displace pharma in the US tv ad business!  

DING! IoT is booming business

9. Geophysicists will publish some amazing science on the natural course of global climate change that will achieve escape velocity from the talking heads and politicians...   It's good to know what really happens from the prospective of those who do the research, take the data and validate theory with replication.  See my earlier post about the "fact of the matter."  I believe climatologists are cranky enough not to allow their science to get politicized.  Talking  heads onthe other hand... just read what's in front of them with the tonal inflections and banter their producers write in the margins of their scripts...  

BONK! Global warming is the new cover story for fuel scarcity - now and as long as money can be made on the narrative, stand back! Climate lockdowns - will be part of the up coming show.  None of this will make any sense to most people who haven't figured out the bigger picture.

10. Northwest Passage picks up volume as satellite based solutions for avoiding sea ice are found.  Oooooee the trek from Asia to Europe gets shorter and waaaay less expensive.  I wonder if new cities will emerge up there?  Real estate in the frozen North must be a real bargain right now!



WOW... 8 out of 10 that's way better than a coin toss! Now let's see what 2022 looks like:

1. Easy to foresee - automotive production to nose dive world wide. New e-models just less of them... fewer vehicles translates to less future demand on oil... Lots of reasons for this. Ride sharing and infrastructure like passenger rail will be making a come back. 

2. The start of chronic agricultural failures create grain shortages this summer that will cause problems in the fall. Escalating energy costs will re-distribute where the and how the fuels get used and Ag is vulnerable in energy poor regions of the world. Key problem to solve is Nitrogen...

3. Tumult and strife in energy starved populations world wide as energy scarcity means tensions grow.

4. Business models that depended on cheap energy like FEDex and UPS will have to modify their basic business models and may break up or cease to exist. Creative destruction as they say.

5. Travel restrictions in 2022 will soon be attributed to climate change in stead of the spiky virus, it's the one way to make money in an energy scarce world. Few will figure out that the emperor has no clothes... so look for the irrational and illogical to come streaming across all media.

6. Sadly, energy scarcity walks along with food and water scarcity and will lead to poor nutrition which will quickly lead to a resurgence of diseases. More jabs of the "just in time" variety to come, the curve isn't "cases" anymore - it will become obvious to even the most hypochondriac that there are other reasons.  EUA has become a deadly mechanism. The myth of the mask will persist. 

7. The era of Digital banking will replace paper money as a secure transaction for a time.

8. Fracturing of old geopolitical alliances and the forming of new ones along geographic lines that eliminate long and expensive trade routes through expansive ocean transits. Over the pole is 40% shorter than across the Pacific, huge positive impact on logistics. Transportation and local energy costs will overcome the value of cheap labor - so factories will downsize and move! When stuff moves expect disruptions in supply - everywhere... this will be the new normal for a time.

9. Battery technology improves to allow the 300 mile range.  Charging time drops to less than an hour. Still an expensive and exotic solution and not a large scale answer, technology and material science creeps forward for those who can afford it.

10. The battle over small and agile vs big box will see disruption as age old economic constants no longer make the off shore or multinational supply chain equations work. As a think piece, imagine how valuable  Amazon or Google would be with an 1830's infrastructure. Surely not going to be the reality of 2022, but more like 2050...  28 years is a single generation to re-create the new world without cheap energy. Giddy-up.

2022 will be kind of grim, then again a world facing numerous scarcity challenges will be full of twists and turns.

Hydrogen is the big wildcard.  Let us hope 2022 brings us some good news on that front!


Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Greetings


Did you know...

Another Christmas... in a world that has gone mad with carefully orchestrated chaos, remember why we are here.  Christ's birth and life gave us the path for all souls to follow. His teachings exemplified forgiveness, kindness and the cost the evil will incur.  Merry Christmas my friends in the East - January 7th will be here soon!  Merry Christmas to my friends in the West! There is no greater strength in the cosmos.  Let us recall the Liturgy and put this world and it's "leaders" in prospective this Christmas.

 "Put not your trust in princes, in sons of men, in whom there is no salvation. When their breath departs they return to their earth; on that very day all their plans perish. Blessed is the one whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God; Who made heaven and the earth, the sea and all that is in them.The Lord sets the prisoners free; the Lord opens the eyes of the blind.  The Lord lifts up those who are bowed low; the Lord loves the righteous. The Lord watches over the sojourners, He upholds the widow and the orphan; but the way of the wicked He brings to ruin."  - Liturgy of St John Chrysostom and Basil the Great

Orthodox Christmas Ornament Tree | Christmas ornaments ...
Christ is with us - He is and always shall be!


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Five Times August

Consider the end result of all of the results the various actions in the world today...

Energy is EVERYTHING.  Always has been, probably always will be.  Rights and freedom in general is being (in my opinion) abrogated to drive conservation in a dystopic way.  Carbon credits is a great way to make money on "oil is running out and it's getting expensive."  Sadly, the truth is hard to come by. Alarmingly, addressing energy as a system allows one to isolate variables that can slow the decline. Some of those variables, if manipulated, are about as evil as I can imagine.  

Solutions are many, and distributed energy w/o a meter is sustainable - but not favorable to profit taking. So are co-op farms.  A "reset" not based on a debt based model but evolutionary in a positive way for the denizens of Planet Earth.  Open and honest debate, insulated from lobby groups and those funded by the mountain of fiat currency with an agenda can solve the problem.  Good luck with that!

 Gail Tverberg has been working in this area for decades, she has some good data to look at. The clip below was from 2015... Spot on for the time.  Imagine were on the back side of Hubbert's curve and ponder what YOU would do. 


Roper's curve above attempts to align population with energy.  One can argue about this curve, but oe cannot dispute it's historical accuracy.  Energy IS EVERYTHING.  

 Harrison Brown:

... within a period of time which is very short when compared with the total span
of human history, supplies of fossil fuels will almost certainly be economically exhausted ... We
are quickly approaching the point where, if civilization should, because of
some catastrophe, stop functioning, it will probably never again recover to its former self.
It is not diļ¬ƒcult to see why this should be so if we compare the resources 
of the past with those of the present. 

 I might add, looking at green options that consider total energy from cradle to grave do not yield the net positive benefits of oil, coal or gas.  Green technologies as we currently understand them are not intrinsically viable - they cost more to mine, assemble, and recycle than they off set with energy production.  They are actually energy sinks.  Just a dead end that will actually make energy scarcity accelerate (except for those fortunate enough to have their own needs met through these technologies). They are not a global solution.  As for the digital economy - an iPhone has a supply chain that involves over 50 countries and resources that are global in nature.  Good luck with that when just one or two of those suppliers cease to function. Alas no iPhone, no apps and the "cloud" doesn't look so good any more! 
