Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Naval Aviation Museum at NAS Pensacola

Wow, what a great museum!

A pretty awesome static display greets any visitor at the main entrance

The museum is a have to see for any aviation enthusiast

I started my career as an engineer designing stuff for these...

The chronology of technology becomes apparent as you walk through the gallery

There is a Blue Angels display of 4 jets in formation

Naval aircraft a-plenty!

Below a full PBY was this cut away.  My father was a WW2 Navy diver and actually experienced a piece of the hull being blown away.  So getting a chance to see the inner workings of the PBY was really very interesting.

A few gliders...

So cool, this is the passenger compartment of a Ford Tri-motor...

You can actually walk right up and look inside!

The flying boats were so huge.  It was hard to imagine the power to weight ratio needed to make these practical.  Back in the day, they were just starting to figure out how to refine repeatable quality in jet fuel

YAY, yours truly!  Thank you nice lady who took my pic.
One other fun thing in Pensacola is McGuire's.  This double deck bus is out front filled with mannequins all dressed up for the party...
Hope you liked the pics!


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