Saturday, May 19, 2018

A visit to Mayberry RFD

When I travel I love to meet and understand the country, the people and maybe the historical context of a place.  I have truly been blessed with many such experiences around the world.

I remember watching the TV serial Mayberry RFD (That's rural free delivery) as a child. Mayberry was a mythical place where everything turned out well.

As it happens, the main actor, Andy Griffith, was born in the little town of Mt. Airy, North Carolina and modeled the TV show after the town.  I'd known about the town and it's connection to the 1960's TV show so when I had a chance to visit I knew I wouldn't pass it up.

Lots of kitsch...  A Barney burger... Really?

Now here's the Snappy Lunch... the young Andy G did in fact eat here, it has been serving up lunch since the 1920's and yes in deed it was on the show.

The theme seems to be to name stores after characters...

Uh-oh, Aunt B's place seems to have tanked. 

A block or two off of Main Street, is the museum of all things Mayberry.

The real doors from the TV set...

Tourism driven Mayberry trivia abounds!

Some very good replica art in the Floyd's Barbershop window

Mr Clippers himself along with Aunt Bea...

Can't miss it...

What a great statue of Andie and Opie!

Call it a blooper or call it a tip of the hat... Andy reading the Mt Airy Newspaper on the show...
Road-side oddity!

I have been collecting some of the odd things I run across and thought maybe I'd share the latest one...

Hope you all liked the pics, Mayberry is more of a state of mind than a place, but it was fun to walk around ( and yes... I was humming the theme song the whole time )  I think almost everybody would like to live in Mayberry if it were a real place.  What a splendid idea Mr Griffith had. 


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