Thursday, November 23, 2023

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving

 ..."Setting aside time to give thanks for one's blessings, along with holding feasts to celebrate a harvest, are both practices that long predate the European settlement of North America. The Puritans observed days of fasting to pray for God's favor, as well as days of thanksgiving to thank God for a bountiful harvest, victory and other joyous occasions..."

So says Wiki.  A source of dubious edits and murky ownership.  The origin no matter how you look at it is about being thankful for what you have.  Please take a moment to reflect on your good fortune and maybe a moment of prayer for those innocent people entangled in man made or natural adventures that look a lot like war or punitive forces like poverty and tyranny that exist in so many places these days.  Please pray for the innocent and the helpless that they too may find peace and safety soon.

New post coming, I've been busy!


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