Saturday, December 23, 2023

Just to close out a theme


"We are a society of altruists governed by psychopaths" that's our fundamental problem...

I couldn't agree more!  As we look at the pain and suffering manufactured upon the world this Christmas and if you've done any homework on energy - you already know the grab for natural resources in a vain attempt to sustain growth is the motive force behind the mayhem.  Those among us who do not have compassion, empathy or love as exhibited by the human heart have always been a source of great sadness, fear and suffering.  

Soon the West will celebrate Christ's birth in a tour de force of decadent spending, twinkle lights and blow up Santa Clause effigies.  A poor commentary on Christ's birthday and what this means. As the meaning is carefully buried in commercial largess

My best wishes for all of my blog visitors, the 7th of January will be here soon (for my friends in the East) 

AML NLO,JRO and SEO AML - Merry Christmas you are loved dearly

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