Saturday, February 24, 2018

A Yugo like you've never seen before...

Lots of new snow as winter slowly moves towards spring here.  This was the last weekend for Ice Drag Racing... something I don't usually have much of an interest in, but it was a beautiful morning so I set out for small road trip - mostly to enjoy the frosted trees and beautiful forests that I live in.  Life is good.

Well, I stopped in to watch the Merrill Ice Drags.  This group has been racing their dragsters on the frozen ice of the Wisconsin River for 50 years! 

Racers unload their cars and start setting them up for the 1/8 mile drag....  Here you see the studded tires being put on.

This was somebodies family cruiser once upon a time.
What a gorgeous day!
Oh boy... an AMC Javelin!  This was Detroit Muscle in it's hey day.

I remember walking past one of these every morning on my way to school...

A little breezy and around 15F, perfect for drag racing on ice!

The only "rail" that showed up was one of the fastest machines on the ice.

This Mustang was also crazy fast.  There's a trick to ice racing though.  Putting down all of your power on the launch will cost you time.  Spinning tires full of wood screws can dig deep ruts into the ice, and that looks awesome, but it doesn't get you down range as fast as it is possible.

Th Yugo...

It did not leave the factory this way!

An Oldsmobile headed for an 80 mph 1/8 mile run

One of the fastest runs today was this Corvette
The front clip had some cold weather fit-up problems... so just leave it off!

Typical tire mods.  The front tires usually have two or three rows of much smaller studs.  Racers actually balance these wheels!

The last ice races of the year means that the ice will soon melt and spring will return.

Hope you enjoyed the pics!


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